
ZOMG I'm just Peppermint now!


Well-Known Member
Waaaaaaay back when I first registered here at Oscraps I found out that someone had already claimed the username "Peppermint" - and it wasn't me. So I had to be "PeppermintG" in here and that was a real buzz kill for me. Haha.

So I was joking with Vicki again about the injustice of it all the other day and she went in and found out that the STEALER of Peppermint had not been active in eons (maybe "stealer" is a bit harsh, I'm sure she's a lovely person...) so Vicki stole my name BACK and now it's mine all mine.

So, I am just Peppermint now. No more "G" at the end. :cheer2:

That is all.


Cupcake Ninja
Well I'm glad you swiped it back from that Peppermint poser. Now someone might want your PeppermintG! You might want to think about begging/bribing Vicki to retire PeppermintG just to save it from any new posers that might come along :)

Posers --hehe--that word makes me laugh!


Well-Known Member
Well..............it's always nice when you have good connections to get someone else kicked out so you can have that user name :pound:

Maybe if I had had some connection in the internet world 15 years ago I could have been hondachick, instead of hondachicc, although it has left most thinking I am some wild motorcycle mama....and not that I worked for a Honda Dealership for 10 years.:pound:

I suppose a welcOme hOme is definately the case here Peppermint!!!!


Well-Known Member
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH....could someone tell me what the ZOMG is?? I am old and not up to date on these things...I was just getting used to OMG :twitch:


always chatty at the O!!
Rock on. I hate it when my user name is someone else. It really throws me off.

You have been de-g'd!!!


Well-Known Member
Well..............it's always nice when you have good connections to get someone else kicked out so you can have that user name :pound:

Maybe if I had had some connection in the internet world 15 years ago I could have been hondachick, instead of hondachicc, although it has left most thinking I am some wild motorcycle mama....and not that I worked for a Honda Dealership for 10 years.:pound:

I suppose a welcOme hOme is definately the case here Peppermint!!!!

Now I have this image in my head of you as one Hot Honda Chick Mamma!
