I knew there were other TV addicts here
I totally forgot to add Survivor my DH and I have never missed a season!!! I think I'm getting a bit tired of it though... I wish I didn't like reality shows but their is no hope for me
If I was like Selena (BushGirl) then that would cut my TV watching in half!!
This Flash forward sounds like it could be good too! Maybe I should not of posted here as now I am going to have too many shows... ! But like some of you I'm in LOVE with MY DVR!!! It is wonderful to be able to record everything especially when you have small kids. I actually think I watch less because sometimes I won't watch them all after they are recorded.
This Army Wives sounds interesting... I'm not sure if it plays where I live?? What channel is it on? Like I need another show!!!
Oh I love Iron Chef Linda! Have any of you watched the original version??? My DH and I love those they make us laugh with the translator voices.
I used to LOVE Scary movies, but my DH will not watch them... and I have to be able to watch them with someone.. so after 12 years I am now not able to really watch the really scary movies because I am too sensitive now!!! Crazy how taking a break from those and after having kids can do that too you!!!
Wia (Dane) I really love the Criminal minds but this one episode really freaked me out but for some reason I keep going back for more!!
Never seen this show Spooks Diane.. what is it about?
OH YES Chris!!! My DH started recording Vampire Diaries for me and I LOVE That too!!!
Oh boy I feel like I'm a total addict now! Maybe we need to have a No TV week! ! I guess I'm totally out of the closet on this habit but it is nice to know I'm not alone I think we need a group hug!!