
TELL me something I don't know...


...loves her some "O"
Okay...we did this type of a thread several years ago, and it was one of the most facinating threads I've read!!! so let's go again...

Tell me something I totally don't know about you...

I'll start...(some of you old foggies will know most of these!!)

*I was born in Minnesota, lived in NOrth Dakota until I was 6, then moved to Houston.

*I went to the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston, and yes, just like Fame, we did dance on the tables during lunch one time...just to validate our school!!

* I sold my little Nissan so that Donnie (mr Gorgeous) and I could go to Europe in 1992. heehee

what about you????

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I was born with a surname no one could spell or pronounce - not sure why, it's spelt the way it's pronounced and pronounced the way it's spelt. (The name was Borthwick, a little known Scottish name of very dodgy ancestry.)

So I was looking forward to getting a "better" surname upon marriage.

YEAH RIGHT! I married a man with the immensely silly name of Hickey - a fine old Irish name, but causes more Americans to fall about laughing.

So when you've stopped laughing, please pity my sons who are stuck with this ridiculous name for the rest of their lives!


Well-Known Member
LOVE this!

*I attended a one-room school from 4th grade to 6th grade. It only closed about 5 years ago.

*I broke my nose when I was 10 - playing catch with a baseball with my stepdad.

*I was on bedrest for a total of 14 weeks when I was pregnant with Jacob and Boden (6 at home and 8 in the hospital)


So good to be back!
Cool game!!

1.- I have a degree in Spanish and Latin American Literature and have never worked in my field.

2.- I have 2 metal pins in my ankle

3.- I have 3 tattoos


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
* That my middle name is Marie
* That my confirmation name is Julia
* That I have went to Rome in 2000 to attend World Youth Day


Well-Known Member
I married my college sweetheart.

I was born in South Korea.

My confirmation name is Regina.


O' whip cracker whip
* I was engaged to DH's friend (before I met DH ;) and no, DH is not the cause of me breaking up with ex LOL

* I am a qualifed aromatherapist

* I did part of a teaching degree

* I have always wanted to become a midwife


ok... so what is this "confirmation name" thing?

*I never played any (i mean ANY) sports in school. The closest thing to a sport I do is shoot pool... hahaha. I was actually part of a Billiards League though for many years before getting pregnant with gage... so i count it as a sport because it was competitive and I was pretty good at it. Even got a couple of trophies. :)

*I worked in recruiting for Hilton Hotels Corporation for several years before becoming a stay-at-home mom, and i traveled quite a bit to colleges all across america. Still miss that job sometimes. :)

*And let's see... a few of you know this, but most of you probably don't. After quitting smoking for 11 months... i started back this past august. I do, however, have a signed contract with Gage that I will quit again after the 1st of the year. (i started on a confession layout, but never finished it.) teehee.


Well-Known Member
well well.

I moved in Iceland in 2002, before that I was running a small " communication agency" in france.
I am graduated in computer science and Oceanology.

and to go with Cat
I am making my own cosmetic product. including Essential oils


Well-Known Member
I went to an all-girl Catholic High School
TessieB and I lived together in college
I taught dance and gymnastics, worked hotel reservations, worked at the zoo, and was a day camp counselor!


Well-Known Member
I learned to skip in college! I had to learn to get my bachelors degree in Elementary Education (I was taking a "Teaching Elementary Physical Education). I needed special tutoring from my professor...who had both a PhD and a JD.

I took Brian to Paris for a long weekend for his 40th birthday. And I lost all of the digital photos from that trip! I try not to think about it very often!

Great thread Sally!


Well-Known Member
So cool...

Confirmation names are names you received when you were confirmed by the church :) In my case Catholic.

1. I eat pizza completely backwards...not only do I eat the crust to tip, but I also eat all the cheese 1st. *LOL*

2. I love to sing...although I am extremely terrible at it! I only sing in the privacy of my own car...so no one can hear me. Just see me bopping ridiculously..that I can live with :)

3. I love Fill in word puzzles....they are my go to to get my mind to just refocus and relax.

Thanks Sally!


So cool...

Confirmation names are names you received when you were confirmed by the church :) In my case Catholic.

interesting. who gives the name... the church, your parents? and why is it different that your real name? thanks for explaining... i had never heard of that before.


Well-Known Member
interesting. who gives the name... the church, your parents? and why is it different that your real name? thanks for explaining... i had never heard of that before.

You pick it out yourself when you are going to be confirmed - it's like your adult initiation (baptism) into the church.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I love these kinds of threads!! :)

~I got married right out of high school, I was still 18.

~I danced hula and tahitian dance for 5 or 6 years (loved it, wish I had the time and money to do it still!!)

~In 2 or 3 years, I hope to open up my own bakery. Not a traditional bread bakery---LOL, strictly the yummier stuff: cookies, cupcakes, eclairs, chocolate truffles etc :)


Well-Known Member
Cyn...now that's an amazing fact!

And Becky, once you open that yummy bakery, we'll need to plan an O'Reunion there!


Well-Known Member
okay i thought the username thread was fun...this one rocks

My confirmation name is Catherine (after my great noni who passed in 1992)

I have 2 tattoos

I used to be an emergency 911 police dispatcher for 11 years in the city where my husband is a police officer, thats where we met :p

I used to speak fluent Italian until my great noni passed away. Since then with nobody to speak it to, it kind of faded away. Sad. My in laws babble some dialect Italian here and there, mostly they are just swearing though, so it doesnt really count, lol.

Oh, and I make mean meatballs and sauce on Sundays. :D


Well-Known Member
this is great!!

Here are some things about me..

*I was born on 7/13/94 and i was 7lbs 13oz.!!
*I'm mean running back
*My middle name is Elaine and that is where my nick-name/username comes from, my dad calls me lainebean :)


Well-Known Member
LOL these are great! Vicki, no fun with the Krisy Kreams!!!

My parents met on a gold mine, I have some of the gold to prove it!

WHen I was 11 I wanted to be a professional ballerina, I even got to dance with a professional company the Oakland Ballet, when I was 10 as a Ginger Snap in the Nutcracker.

My mom taught me to spell my name wrong, Joslyn, is how I was taught to spell it and did until I was 18 its even on my HS diploma. WHen I got my passport I found out the legal spelling is Joselyn, THANKS MOM for never telling me!!! I still spell my name wrong.


Well-Known Member
OMG...these are great!!!! :D I'm having so much fun reading them!!

-I have a sun tattoo on my lower back. Want to get at least 1 more.

-I went to school to be a special ed/elementary ed teacher. Quit college when I met my hubby and got an excellent (non-teaching related) job.

-I would love to open/run my own bar someday.

-I have an obsession with cupcakes. Like Becky, I would also love to own my own bakery for sweets like that.


Well-Known Member
I used to breed Lhaso Apsos.
I was a phone solicitor for my first job at 16.
I used to collect miniatures and water misters

danger girl

Well-Known Member
I learned to skip in college! I had to learn to get my bachelors degree in Elementary Education (I was taking a "Teaching Elementary Physical Education). I needed special tutoring from my professor...who had both a PhD and a JD.

I took Brian to Paris for a long weekend for his 40th birthday. And I lost all of the digital photos from that trip! I try not to think about it very often!

Great thread Sally!

Linda, when you said you learned how to skip in college, at first I thought you meant how to cut class. I was going to say me too! But actual skipping, that's cool. I often say it is an underrated mode of transportation.