
Swinging through September Posting Challenge!


lOve the O!
So how many posts do you have now? Where do you want to be at the end of the month? Are you hoping to be:target: and get a new title? I am at 9548, so I am aiming my sites on 10,000- yikes that will be 452 in one month- an average of 15 posts per day, and with all the new layouts in the gallery- I am sure I can do it. Love that gallery comments count towards our total post count. This is an unofficial challenge- no points- just fun. Hope you will join me!


The Loopy-O
me me me! I am in!!!!

I just hit 19,150 yesterday. 19,500 is a nice number but that puts me in the same posting rate as Laurie. Hmmm....... can I do it? Will it be hard?

Yes, i think I will!!!


I lOve Me Some O!
No official goal yet until I get going in the gallery, but for record at 16,765 with this post. :p


I lOve Me Some O!
HAHA! Maybe!

Right now I'm drooling too much in Anna's store to post! EEk! Need to start this month off right!


always chatty at the O!!
I think I need to have a goal since I've been such a slacker in the gallery the past couple of months. Let's see where I am at.


always chatty at the O!!
Okay...8563...I am gonna go for 8800...but I'd kinda like to start doing 500 posts a month, so we'll see how it goes.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
OK, so I've never played this game before and it's probably about time I did.
So, I'm on 7,932 today, lets see if I can make it to 8,250.

You girls have got to hold me to account if I become too much of a slacker! :director:


Where do you girls have the time to do this?? :)

By the time I finish leaving love in the gallery I have little time left even to scrap

Call me ole, Granny slow poke ;)

Have fun, children :peace:


Mistress of Mayhem
well, I'm sure I won't make it this month - hopefully I will be busy all month with a designer contest (that is if I don't get out-voted first week :) ), but I can at least set my goal at 1150 since I'm starting with 1005 :)


setting my goal again!! but this time I want to do more than just set a goal!

checking . . . . .