I couldn't easily find that thread we had about Twilight, so I figured I'd just start a new one....
My friend saw an ad for one of those "Which Twilight character are you?" quizzes and asked me who I thought I was. I said, "heck, I dunno. Some days I could be Rosalie." She said she couldn't see that (but I really just meant cuz I've been rather self absorbed of late). She thought I might be Esme because I take everyone in and make them feel like family. (which really made me feel good )
So, (skip to the end...) we took the quiz - I'm Edward and she was Bella lol
You're Edward Cullen - You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational.
You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Here's the quiz: http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/5585712/which-twilight-novel-character-are-you
My friend saw an ad for one of those "Which Twilight character are you?" quizzes and asked me who I thought I was. I said, "heck, I dunno. Some days I could be Rosalie." She said she couldn't see that (but I really just meant cuz I've been rather self absorbed of late). She thought I might be Esme because I take everyone in and make them feel like family. (which really made me feel good )
So, (skip to the end...) we took the quiz - I'm Edward and she was Bella lol
You're Edward Cullen - You have great taste for the finer things in life, a classic style, and you understand the way people work so you can manipulate easily. You have many talents and a bit of a temper, but you are mostly level-headed and rational.
You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Here's the quiz: http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/5585712/which-twilight-novel-character-are-you