
O-Fam Prayer Power needed!


Well-Known Member
Okay - I really hoped that I wouldn't have to ask for this, but I'm there anyway... the hospital just called... Dad is NOT doing well (which I knew this morning)... in the last couple of hours his temperature has gone up to 101.7, he's struggling to breathe... they think he may be developing pneumonia... his belly is distended, and within the next hour they feel he will probably need to be put back on his breathing tube... and if necessary they will do a brochoscopy this evening to clean out his airway... but they are concerned about his current condition... also the nurse feels its important for them to check his liver function with his history of alcoholism...

The doctor feels that while he's not going in that direction at the moment, the possibility does still exist that we could lose him... I, of course, am praying that this does not happen, but I've had this terrible feeling in my gut all day that I can't shake, so please... pray for him to make it through this...

I will update as soon as I can... I have to call back around 7 p.m. EST to find out what his situation is and then go from there...


Well-Known Member
(((hugs))) Sandra of course!! Definitely sending out prayers!! Stay strong! Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Oh Sandra, my friend. We never quit praying, we'll just all pray harder! Keep us posted! btw - what is your Dad's first name? I like to have a name to go with the people I pray for:)


Well-Known Member
here's the latest update... they have completed a chest xray and re-intubated Dad... they said based on the x-ray and the secretions when they intubated, they feel that Dad aspirated food into his lungs... he is doing better now that they have re-intubated and they don't know that the bronchoscopy will be necessary although it doesn't sound like its completely off the table... they said they're giving him medication to keep him relaxed which I took to mean they're keeping him sedated... they will be doing another x-ray now that the vent is in... he is stable at the moment and the nurses are with him... I'm to call around 9:30 or 10:00 to check again. I'll post as soon as I know more... thank you all so much for everything!

Linda - his name is Ronnie... I'm sorry I didn't say that before... brain is not totally functioning the way it should!


Well-Known Member
((hugs)) I am glad he is resting now Sandra. I hope they won't need to do the bronchoscopy. Will check back later to see how you are making out!


Well-Known Member
No worries, no need to appologize. We all understand what worry and stress does to our minds! I think this sounds like good news. Being intubated is not fun but should help to clear his lungs. Having him sedated is probably not a bad thing either. He'll not be fighting the tube and won't be more uncomfortable because of it.


Well-Known Member

Big Hugs and big prayers for you, Your Dad and Family. I didnt see this post earlier and its almost 1045pm eastern, so im hoping that everything has calmed down a bit and you are getting better news. Kepp us posted, we are all praying for you and thinking of you.


Well-Known Member
I called the hospital at 10 p.m. last night... Dad was resting and his breathing better with the vent in... they had completed the bronchoscopy and had removed a lot of secretions from his airway... they said the vent would remain in place through the night at least, and hten I guess the doctors will re-evaluate and see if its possible to remove it... the longer he stays on the vent, the harder it will be for him to come off so I really hope they will remove it today if they can... I called this morning to check on him, but they are in the middle of a shift change and giving reports so no one was able to tell me anything... I'll call back in about 45 mins and get an update then...

thank you all so much... you have no idea what it means to me to have you guys on my side praying for Dad... he has so many medical issues against his recovery, and he's already been in ICU longer than they normally have to stay... I'm going over as soon as I can get myself infused with some coffee and a shower... but I'll update you as soon as I can get a chance to talk to his nurse...


Well-Known Member
It sounds like he had a good night by indications of your 10:00 p.m report. Hopefully removing the secretions will keep pneumonia at bay!
I hope you were able to get some rest last night. I know it's so hard, but my Mom always tells me to "give it to God". Once I finally give in and indeed give it to God, I seem to feel much more at peace.
Take care!


The Loopy-O
Sandra, I am just reading this now, but you know my heart is with you always.

*hold you hand tight*

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
So sorry - I've only picked this up now and it's coming to the end of Sunday here. My thoughts are with you, Sandra, and your family.


always chatty at the O!!
Sandra - My heart aches for you. Watching a parent go through this must be excruciating. BUt like Linda said once you are able to give it to God hopefully everything will be a little easier for you emotionally. I've been praying for you and I made my church group pray for you. I'll continue to pray for you often. I am hoping that during today you've gotten good news. God bless you and your family!!


Well-Known Member
well ICU wasn't as strict today on visiting times... I went this morning at 11:00 and got to stay with Dad until 12:30... I went back in at 1:00 and stayed until just after 2:00... I wish I had better news, but there is no improvement, but he's not worse really either... his temp is down to 100, and they're pumping him full of antibiotics, but they don't feel they can remove the vent yet... he did open his eyes a couple of times and did respond when I talked to him... I told him I loved him and you could see his mouth moving trying to say it back... the doctor feels that's a good sign, but he's not out of the woods... they increased his morphine a little while I was there because when he would wake up he squirmed a little and seemed agitated and/or uncomfortable... after that he was much more relaxed when his eyes would flutter open...

I'll call to check in on him later, but for now he's stable at least... the doctor did come in while I was there, and they are extremely concerned about his lung function... his liver function is also a concern although not the primary one as he is jaundiced... thanks for all the prayers!


Well-Known Member
the doctor called... and this time I actually got to speak to his surgeon... they're expecting Daddy to be on the vent for at least a week and in ICU for at least 2 weeks... he said he was really surprised at how well Daddy had been doing on Thursday and Friday and was really concerned about the drastic change overnight... but he's still stable and resting... they are keeping him pretty sedated and his hands are restrained so he won't pull out his vent... my aunt is coming down tomorrow, and I'm going to meet her at the hospital so she can see him...

again, thank you all for all the prayers!


...loves her some "O"
ohhh darling...just got on here this weekend!!! Totally praying for your dad!! So glad you are in contact with the surgeon!!!

always here for you, doll!! love you...praying!!


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry I missed this over the weekend. I'm keeping your father, you and your family in my prayers.



always chatty at the O!!
I hope things are continuing to improve. I also hope that you were able to see him today. The power of a mask and hand sanitizer are amazing. More hugs!! And always you are in my prayers!