
Need good thoughts...

I cannot imagine the emotions of this all. May Eva watch over Lotte and her parents and give them all strength.

Love to you too.
I don't know you (yet) and just read this entire thread: that must be so double. On the one hand you had to say goodbye yet there is still a hello with little Lotte. You and your family are in my thoughts and I am so sorry about the loss of Eva.
That's good news for Lotte !
And i can understand the emotional day, there will be lot of those days...
Lotte is doing pretty good. Her weight is 1500grams. They start putting clothes on. And if she is used to it, she's getting out of the couveuse.
When she is 100grams more, her feedings will be 8 times within 24hrs, instead of 12 times.
Slowly she's getting better and stronger every day!
They are doing oke. They have to.. That's what they said. Luckily they have a little son who is very happy all the time, doesn't understand what happened. He'll turn 2yo on dec.16th.

I think when Lotte is at home, or in the local hospital they will notice what kind of busy emotional time it has been.
I'm glad to hear she's doing fine and that the parents are coping and staying strong.
good to hear that Lotte is doing great, sending love t you all, specially ((HUGS)) to Lotte and very special thought to Eva.

I'm just seeing this. I'm glad that all is well!! I had my twins at 30 wks, so I understand what she may be going through. I will keep them in my prayers.
Last sunday Lotte was transported to the local hospital! :)
We are all so happy!! It's one step closer to getting home for the little girl :D
Lotte is now in a normal bed! She doesn't need extra oxygen anymore.
She still has feedings through a tube. That's the only 'bad' thing for now.
When she starts drinking on her own, she gets to go home!

Their oldest son, (now 2yo) came home on december 31st. I hope Lotte will be home by than as well.
Thumbs up that she can come home very soon !!!! Such a good news, she is doïng very well !!
Last week Lotte started drinking bottles on her own. The feedingtube is still in, in case she's not drinking. But because of her brain that is not developed completely she sometimes forgets to swallow the milk, which makes her stop breathing.
The doctors said that is because of the brain development. That needs to develop completely, and than she will drink fine. It's waiting for that moment to come.
For the other things she's doing excelent!
Growing 30 grams a day.
I'm pretty happy!
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She will get there! My little guy had to stay in the hospital two extra weeks so that he could learn to swallow and breathe at the same time too. :-)