
Let's fight the guilt (...gut) before the holidays!!


Well-Known Member
Hehe, Chris it's the same! I'm about 4' 11" & he's 6' 1"! He usually complains that I'm the one walking fast, but that's when we go shopping right after he's woken up. But he's definitely been the turbo one of us since vacation!

I've been lagging since the day in Astoria -- I got super bad knots in my right leg. Last night I spent over an hour just doing stretches to work them all out & keep the rest of my body going. Today it's better -- I was able to go to Target to get replacements for my hair dryer & ear buds that both DIED over our trip. But, every now and then... my muscles in my right leg would go lose/numb/dead and I'd have to catch myself. I think my muscles are trying to mutiny!!!

Tonight I'm going to try and walk the city block, if not, then tomorrow morning!


Well-Known Member
Well, we didn't go a full city block tonight -- about 3/4's... so 1.5 miles. We were going to end up doing about 4 miles, by walking to this carnival that's sprung up nearby (blerghhhhh) but the DH was feeling tired & wanted to get some sleep before going into work.
Tomorrow morning I want to walk the city block if 1) my body clock still wakes me up earlier than normal, thanks to the vacation or 2) I can find my pepper spray. I don't want to go alone without some kind of defense, and Riley thinks everyone is a friend.

Question to everyone:
Would you like to do the couch to 5k program together? Like start around the same time and keep each other accountable? Or is anyone interested in partnering with me for accountability? I'd like to start it after New Year's, because hopefully by then I'll have a good enough bra to run again. I used to be an avid runner until my GP told me my boobs were too big, then that's what caused the weight to creep up.
Last January I bought an iphone app to do the couch to 5k program, but never started it. Lol, I need to get my $3 out of it!


The Loopy-O
Meg- 1.5 miles is a great start!
Do you take potassium for your muscle cramps? I know that you are really good about supplements, so if you can take them, you probably are ;)

I don't know anything about the Couch to 5k.... if it is running not walking, i wouldn't be able to do it. My joints are in bad shape, especially my right knee and ankle. But if it could be a walking thing, i would be in!


lOve the O!
I'ld be willing to do this- I think- I need to get better shoes though- need NB's in the 1000's model # for my high arch feet.


Well-Known Member
Chris -- it's a running thing, I don't know if there's a walking version :(

Laurie -- My DH is the same way -- he needs special NBs for that AND his mega wide feet. I was born with bunions, and my cross country coach was always harping that I needed different running shoes because of it -- but my newest pair of trail runners feel fine!


The Loopy-O
phooey- yeah, there is no way I can run..... :(

But I *can* be a good cheerleader for you :cheer2:

I didn't do wii fit this morning, but I did walk 1/2 mile. I am steam cleaning (AGAIN!!) today. My right shoulder and bicep is going to be huge compared to my left.


lOve the O!
On my list today is 2-3 mi on the treadmill in the fitness center with a view of the palm trees and lake and pirate pool-yeah baby- they have a scale so I can keep an eye on my weight. I brought food and bought fruit & veggies at the store! I'll post after I work out today- have to stay accountable- before the wine! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Awesome thread! My first goal is the gym(my DD and I just joined, WOOT!) 3-4 days per wk and to lose at least 10 pounds in November. My longer term goal is to lose 50-70 pounds by the time my DS gets back in 15 months.......and to keep going to the gym :).


Well-Known Member
I've been reading through the thread. I can't wait to keep following and see how we all do :). I won't start until next Tuesday since I just had a little procedure done on the sole of my foot but watch out after that LOL.


lOve the O!
I did do my 2 mi walk tonight- felt good, and we have been doing lots of stairs as we are on the 4th floor this week!


The Loopy-O
Yay Dawn!!!!!!! Glad you are joining us. This is a very low pressure thread. If you don't want to wait to start- you can always grab some soup cans and do some bicep curls and triceps extensions.

My goal is to simply *move* at least 10 minutes a day and i have been really good about it since I can make that goal every day. You can too!

laurie- no elevator? Thats good, right!?


The Loopy-O
laurie- great view! I would have a hard time getting off the treadmill with that.Lucky me, I get to look at an wall in need of painting and some cobwebs overhead.


lOve the O!
I made it 2 miles today- Chris- we have an elevator, just trying to add more exercise in. After tonights wonderful dinner at Traverna Opa, I really need to do the stairs.


The Loopy-O
Good for you Laurie!!!!! I try to do the same, stairs instead of elevators and park in the farthest spaces. When it is cold out it gets harder to do that though. I am going to make a more conscious effort this winter to not pack the pounds on like I typically do.

I didn't walk at all or exercise yesterday, but I seemed to be running almost non-stop.... but I ate really bad too. A half a cupcake and then two pieces of an apple caramel cake my mom brought up.... I have to try to get on the TM today... cuz i feel like a blimp!


lOve the O!
I hear you on feeling like a blimp- we are planning on spending today at the beach- hmmm- well I know I am not 15 so I guess it will be okay- I love the beach and have never been to the gulf coast so we are driving over there today, I already got an outdoor walk in!


Well-Known Member
Wow! You girls are awesome! We moved to a new building at work this week. To get from one side to the other is 2 city blocks. And I've made a new commitment since there are only 5 floors, I don't take elevators...only climb stairs. So far, so good!

Friday night we went to the halloween celebration at the zoo and walked for about 90 minutes. Last night, trick or treating with the kids and another 90 minutes. Not power walking ;-) but not sitting around either. Of course, if I don't stay out of the kids candy buckets, it will all be in vain.


lOve the O!
okay - 7 days without exercise makes one weak/week- so I am off to go for a walk outside with my hat and mittens, then back to clean and scrap!


Well-Known Member
"Sometimes you have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down."
-Kobi Yamada

I took the leap ya'll! I've been through the ups and downs of weight loss and weight gain for most of my life. I know the roots run deep and somewhere deep inside I just haven't felt worthy or loved myself enough to be healthy. I'm going to find those reasons and toss them out but I can't keep looking for them and waiting for that perfect moment when everything inside is sorted out. KWIM?

So I did it. I set my goals (high!) and I have a clear path of how I'm going to get there. I've shared my goals with a few close family members and biggest of all I've enlisted outside help. I know this time I will succeed. I KNOW it.

I like to write and can go on and on and on LOL so I started a blog to share my journey, thoughts, feelings, ups and downs as well as meal plans, workouts and weight loss success. If you're interested you can find it here:

I'll be popping in this thread though too to stay in touch w/ my O girls!
We can all do this! We can do anything we set our minds too!


Well-Known Member

Ladies -- I've been bad these last several days/week... too busy/having that cold... I'm going to go hide in my corner & get my butt in gear tomorrow!


lOve the O!
well- y'day I only walked around the outside of my house- but I did go out- I become quite the hermit this time of year- if I let myself. So today- first day back at work- more fruits and veggies and off to the treadmill and a walk around the building at lunch since it is going to be dark by the time I get out of work!

Molly- read your blog- I so understand and am battling the loving myself issues as well


The Loopy-O
How is everyone doing lately?

I got on wii fit today, did 20 min's. Not to bad for a first day back. the good news is that I only gained 1.5 lbs in Disney! I ate really bad (but it was soooooooooooo goooooooooooood!!!) but I guess with all of the walking we did, it wasn't too bad of a deal.

laurie, i am the same as you, I have such little motivation once it gets cold. I am hoping that if I can stay on my schedule of working out after I get the kids off to the bus stop, I'll be ok.

hugs to all of you!


The Loopy-O
Molly- I am reading your blog and I want to give you huge huge hugs!!! TY so much for sharing that and opening up about everything. You can do anything you put your mind to- I can see it! And what a GREAT example you are for your girl. Love it!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm proud of all of you - but my new goal is to fight my gut in the New Year. I know it's useless before. Then I want a fridge on the truck again and my George Foreman grill so I can cook healthy! :)


Well-Known Member
Wow Molly I just read your blog and left some love! You're an inspiration to everybody and I'm sure you can do this!


lOve the O!
Back to walking - got my 2 miles in- think I will ask santa for new shoes that provide the support I need- especially if I am going to try to do couch to 5K!!


The Loopy-O
Got back into the groove yesterday- did 20 min's of wii fit. The great thing is that I am seeing a difference- the exercises are getting easier and I am doing better on their "awards."


Well-Known Member
OKay ladies...I have been MIA with the drama in my life but I have been being good while I have away :) I have lost 18lbs so far. I need to lose soooo much more but I am feeling good about my start! Now I just need to keep going!


Well-Known Member
WOOT!!!!!!!! 18 lbs is AWESOME!!!!!! Way to Go Girl!!!!

OKay ladies...I have been MIA with the drama in my life but I have been being good while I have away :) I have lost 18lbs so far. I need to lose soooo much more but I am feeling good about my start! Now I just need to keep going!