
Let's fight the guilt (...gut) before the holidays!!


lOve the O!
Go Chris- I did my 2 mile walk this am- really wanting to order some new shoes but that will wait till later this month.


Well-Known Member
Woo! I'm back on track too! 45 minutes on the xbox today doing Your Shape Fitness. I did the Bollywood Dance Class, the block smashing game about ten times on medium, and the cardio boxing class two times.


lOve the O!
I'm still on track- 2 mi per day since Dec 18th- that makes 23 days in a row- I am past the half way mark.


lOve the O!
Chris- this is for you- treadmill 2 mi again - day33- go me go me go me!! Need new scales- mine show a lower weight than I thought I was!!


The Loopy-O
wow!!! Laurie- that is wonderful! yayayayayay!!!!

I have been a blob. This weather and the days off schedule are *killing* me! On the one hand, I am working these muscles with the shoveling. On the other hand, I have been craving carbs and junk like crazy!


lOve the O!
2miles again today - day 34- on my way to 40 - thinking about either zumba for my wii or starting a strengthening program 3 times a week for 6 weeks- decisions decisions!


lOve the O!
done with my walk today one day closer to making my goal- wed will be 40 days of 2miles- wow- 80 miles!


lOve the O!
Chris- you keep shoveling- it counts really it does- well wait for it to get a tad warmer out- oh I am up to 15!


Well-Known Member
wow...i love how some of you ladies are walking 2 miles each day!!! love it! i want to go out and jog and run but i do not have anyone to go with me. :(

my goals aren't too specific - just lose weight so i can feel better and fit into my clothes better!! i've been doing this for 3 weeks and love love it!

i work out about 30 minutes a day to cardio kickboxing and jillian michaels! i have cut white rice and meats from my diet. so i am now a vegetarian and just love it! okay, so i'm loving a lot of things right now. :)


lOve the O!
Okay- I am feeling lonely in here- even vigorous housework counts in my book - or baby lifting!! Anyways- day 41 and I am adding strength training 3 days per week- eventually I will be up to a full 20 min, but only did half today- will try to make it 3/4 on Saturday- takes more time so I am planning on doing this on Thurs, Sat or Sun and on Tuesday! We shall see. We have health testing in February to get the clinic to pay $$ into our HSA- so I will do it and see if my changes have made any changes in my cholesterol- which is my big thing I want. No new meds!


The Loopy-O
*Hangs my photo on the wall of shame*

I am sorry I left you all alone! Esp after I told you to keep posting. This time of year is so hard on me.
However, i should really post in here (if for no other reason that to keep my friend Laurie company!) b/c I have been somewhat active, on occasion. yes, the shoveling (UGH!) counts, and so does housework. I start my new client tomorrow so that will be 3-4 hiurs of non-stop housework.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can get back into my wii fit routine.

Laurie- again-- I am so proud of you!


lOve the O!
Well - got my walk in and yesterday my second strength training- it is going to be a while before I am able to finish the entire work out- but I have a set of smiley stickers that came from some "offer" in the mail and my goal is to get 3 a week on the calendar for strength training!! Once they are gone- I will have to find a new goal to add. I may have to add shoveling this week chris!!


The Loopy-O
hahah! You can come and shovel for me anytime ;)

I am goignto try and start wii fit again today- 10-15 mins of yoga


lOve the O!
You go chris- I was just reading on another board about being inefficient- as in fold one item put it away then the next (basically adding steps) it all adds up- nifty I just thought I was being forgetful!


The Loopy-O
i did it! 16 mins of wii fit....
one day down, lots more to go.

So Laurie- all of those times i walked into a room and have no clue why I was there- all of that is considered exercise?? buhahahahah!!!!