
Let's fight the guilt (...gut) before the holidays!!


Well-Known Member
backon the bandwagon

Congrats girls!
Now it's my turn to get back to exercising. 3 years ago I lost 20 pounds. I walked every day with my dog while the kids were in school. I did Jillian's dvds (all 3 of them) and the biggest loser dvd. I would rotate so never the same each day. It worked and I felt great and healthier than ever. I even had energy! Moving here 2 years ago I put on 10 pounds of stress. So I enrolled in a fitness class last semester in college and lost 8 pounds. I felt great, wasn't so tired, and it even improved my riding! (horses) Since then I have done nothing but sit on my tush and either play on the computer (mostly scrapping now of course) or study. I have gained almost 20 pounds. I feel terrible. I am always tired. I have no motivation to do anything during the day except scrap and I'm even falling away from studying. It is time I changed that and improved my mood and my health!

I just wish I had people close to me to help me stay on track. That rebellious woman in me seethes any time my husband says anything, such as "I thought you were trying to lose weight and did you excercise today?" I try so hard to shut her off, but it doesn't work that well! I wish I had a friend or 2 or 3 to go walking with. It is so boring going by yourself! But alas all my friends work. I also have a hard time asking others to join me cause I think that they'll just say no so why bother. But like the husband says, the worst you'll get is a no. What he doesn't realize is that each "no" cuts away at your self esteem.

So anyway. Here is my goal. Super hard for me because I am NOT a morning person and I love my coffee.
*For now I want to work out at least 20 minutes as soon as the kids are on the bus.
*Drink a tall glass of water, then have a small breakfast and then see if I need coffee and only allow myself 1 cup.
* I have to devote at least 2 hours a day to studying. I have no excuse for not doing this. I don't work and don't really go anywhere/ Then when I am finished I can play on here.

I just need tons of help sticking to that. I have no self discipline. It was so much easier when my classes were during the day and I was already at school so I could go work out and not spend 2 tanks of gas every day going back and forth to school. But again just an excuse!!! I can walk around my yard, down the road in a neighborhood, up the road 5 miles at a park or anywhere.

Today I did Jillian's 30 minute shred and man did she kick my buttowski! I didn't realize how out of shape I was, and this was her easy workout! Now I am off to study the last hour I have before the kids get home!


The Loopy-O
Yay Katrina is joining us!!!

I have been slacking form posting in here, but I did wii fit, M,T and today. Yesterday I walked 15 min's on the TM, and 1/2 mile outside.


The Loopy-O
OKay ladies...I have been MIA with the drama in my life but I have been being good while I have away :) I have lost 18lbs so far. I need to lose soooo much more but I am feeling good about my start! Now I just need to keep going!
I missed this!!!! :cheer2: Go Kat!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Fabulous Job Laurie!!!! Wooot!

I have been feeling yucky so I am avoiding the scale...*lol* I am still eating right etc...but I just don't want to set myself up to feel bad if I gained a pound.


The Loopy-O
I hear ya Kat. I actually read an article that it is better to weight yourself more often because you will catch the small gains more quickly rather than being in denial (who me?? LOL ) and finally getting on the scale and having a bigger weight gain.


Well-Known Member
I was doing that every day and it really does show what the issues are! It also helps when you gain water weight to know that it will go as quickly as it came :) In this case...I just know that if I see those pounds I will be defeated...and I will not let that happen!!! NO NO NO! *lol*


lOve the O!
Go Girls- just read something in BHG about how to avoid holiday pounds- things like hanging a large holiday outfit- the used to wear and a I fit now outfit in your closet and remembering which you want to wear this season before you choose the extra goodies!


The Loopy-O
So the "Eating Weekend" is finally over. How did everyone do?

I have been so bad- didn't exercise at all unless you count running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But I am going on the treadmill for a good workout today.


lOve the O!
walk is done- now off to strain the fat off my turkey broth for turkey carcass soup (no carcass- just turkey and broth!)


The Loopy-O
where are my O-fit-girls?!

I know I have been really bad about keeping up w/ this thread.
Here are my wii fit minutes for this week:

M-16 mins
W- 24 mins
Th - 18 mins

been gaining/losing the same pound so I guess that is good- esp for this time of year :p


The Loopy-O
go chris go!

I won't post my goodie eating minutes or my sitting on my butt minutes!!
hahahahaahah!!!! I have *plenty* of those too

I am slowing down- 10 mins on TM last Friday, 20 mins wii fit Monday. Loys of ruinnign around the house in between, does that count?


lOve the O!
How is everyone doing- I am on day 9 in a row of walking 2 mi per day- go me- my goal- 40 days in a row of 2 miles- I can do this - for me!!


The Loopy-O
woooooot!! Laurie, that is great!

Um, i think it is time for me to not share my eating way too much junk..... I haven't exercised at all, but I have been doing a lot of running around the house, laundry, up and down stairs, etc. Today is going to be a long day of shoveling and snow blowing.

But the good news is that my mom got me some exercise stuff to go with wii fit. A 3 inch platform to raise up the balance board for doing the step games, dumbbells for the strength training and a waist pouch to put the wiimote in when you are not needing it. Now I need to get everyone of of the tv room so I can use it!


lOve the O!
walked again- oh yeah- starting to look forward to it- went 45 min- course the elevated scale # today helped too!


Well-Known Member
Ok gals...I'm in...again! But my new mantra is to live in the moment and my word is hope! So here I am!


The Loopy-O
Laurie -- I just posted in the Daily O's: http://www.christinekane.com/currentezine/ She has a list of some possible words- some I was able to scratch of immediately, and now I am down to three. i want to see which one resonates the most for me.

I have not walked/been on wii fit in a week, :( but I dad three days of heavy snow shoveling, so I think that should count. My muscles sure did!!
i did three days, about an hour each day- the Calorie Calculator says that is apporx 320 cal's burned each time!


lOve the O!
Well - I walked again- however- mr gorgeous brought home some amish goodies as payment for something he helped them with today- so yes I am partaking- but that is okay- I can choose to eat some, throw them away, freeze them, take them to work on monday- but right now I chose to eat them. My 40 day habit was walking at least 2 miles!