
Let's fight the guilt (...gut) before the holidays!!


Well-Known Member
Mmm Laurie!!! That pie sounds divine!!

Hooray, I lost weight! I usually always weigh myself in the morning -- but for whatever reason after dinner I went and weighed myself. So, even with food in my belly, I've lost a little bit over a pound since Wednesday! Maybe in the morning it'll be an even two pounds :) That means I must be doing something good, because I'm retaining water like a sponge!


lOve the O!
morning fellow movers & shakers! :cheer2: I walked 2 mi on my TM today and hope to get out at lunch- we shall see- my weight stayed the same this week- but i did not eat many veggies this weekend- probably not my best decision, but today is a new day and my calendar is so full of exercise smilies it makes me smile!


The Loopy-O
Good job Laurie. I did 20 mins of wii fit. But- I guess that carrot cake got to me. I gained 2 lbs this weeknd :Cry:


Well-Known Member

Chris -- muscle weighs more than fat, you never know if you're actually gaining muscle ;-)

I'm doing better at eating better. I broke my ban on store bought eggs, just to make myself a healthy breakfast burrito for lunch. I forgot breakfast, but I think the burrito helped replace that missing protein.

This morning was major shopping -- so I power walked all of target & costco, and didn't have any samples!!! Tomorrow I'll be on my butt for about 12-15 hours. I bought apple sauce, tangerines, and rice cakes for snacks. I'll probably get yogurt parfaits at McDs for my road meals, unless I can find a Wendy's... their chili is actually super healthy if you don't get cheese.

We'll definitely be working out while we're in Portland. We'll do the zoo one day, and another day on the coast doing the Lewis & Clark National Park thingy. Then of course all of the soccer and football games, and taking my bro geocaching to get his merit badge. I actually think this trip will be the kick in the butt I need to be more active!!!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
We had an hour workout at the gym tonight .... felt WONDERFUL!!!! Fabulous .... love it!!! I love working out with my hubby :) I am planning to go again on Wednesday night :)


lOve the O!
woo hoo everyone- this is like out mini mental gym- support for the goals we are working on. I slept 8 hours last night- 2 1/2 more than usual- so i'm waking up and then walking


The Loopy-O
Meg- that is what i was trying to convince myself too- but if you saw my tummy.... nothing but flab.

Go Krista go!!!!!!

Laurie- sometimes sleep needs to take precedence over anything else. Your body needs that time to heal and repair.


The Loopy-O
I am not sure if I am goign to w/o or not today. Ididn't sleep good at all. And today I am am steaming cleaning all of the downstairs carpets. Does that count as a w/o?
Maybe I'll just do 10 mins of gentle walking, because I know my arms are going to get a workout pushing that darn steamer around today.


The Loopy-O
Oh! And one last thing-- I know that this is one of thise gazillion dollar questions- do any of you have a good and successful jelly-belly routine? I do crunches and jack-knifes when I do wii fit. But mu upper and lower abs are just *mush*
I noticed in a bunch of recent photos that the rolls are showing through my t-shirt. :Cry:


The Loopy-O

I steam cleaned for 4 hours... and now I hurt! All over!


But I did walk on the TM again anyway. 20 mins! I was going to do 10, but I am reading The Help and I couldn't put i down ;)


The Loopy-O
Waaaah!! I hurt all over!!!!!!!

But I am planning on wii fit yoga and walking w/ my friend. Maybe that will help get the kinks out!


lOve the O!
today is my off day- maybe a walk at lunch- been too busy the last few days and got my big walk in before work- I best be getting out of my jammies and into the shower- finally warmed up!


lOve the O!
I did get my lunch walk in on wed and yesterday 1 hour of dance lessons and 45 to walk 2.8 mi! This is 16mph- go me! Woke up late today, so perhaps just dance party-if we don't go, I will walk- dh wants to watch the Yankee game- we are learning the bolero though a very romantic dance- we shall see!


Well-Known Member
Well, we walked all around the Oregon Zoo to the point where my super comfy trail runners were giving me pain! I was so exhausted I feel asleep immediately last night!

Food isn't doing as well as moving, kind of hard to tell fam not to get fatty things when they're the ones feeding you! Oh well. I made sure I always have more salad/veggies than anything else.

Tomorrow will be lots of football and soccer, so I'm going to try and walk the sideline at my sister's soccer games. Sunday will be a wash, but Monday we're doing the Lewis & Clark Historical Park, in the rain!


Chris - pike position should help with the upper/lower abs. Anything that works the whole core will be good for that.

I'm super proud of all of you. Me, I haven't done a darn thing. In fact, yesterday i drove my son to meet his grandma in texas and spent 6 hours in the car swilling soda and eating peanut m&ms to keep me awake. So, yeah, that was a total wash. But, tomorrows another day, right?


lOve the O!
Yup- tomorrow is another day- I power walked 10 min at lunch on friday- we skipped dance and I scrapped. Today however we did 1 1/2 hours of Viennese waltz practice and then I walked 45 min- now I am off to bake choc chip cookies and plan to freeze most (not all- what is not to like about warm goey fresh choc chip cookie?)


The Loopy-O
Laurie- you are seriously cooking! As my wii fit would call you- a Calorie Roaster! You definitely deserve some cookies for all of that walking.

meg- I was just reading that exercise is better for burning calories and boosting metabolism that restricting food, so you are def. on the right track. Good job!

Vicki- I am going to have to google Pike position, I really need to work on putting together a 15- min routine to stretch out at the end of the day.

And yes! My favorite heroine and a great line- tomorrow is always another day. Start fresh. And maybe peanut m&m's aren't the best for you, but much better than falling asleep and crashing. (Its all a matter of perspective :) )


Well-Known Member
Chris -- yeah, I did Jenny Craig & they were more about restricting food than exercising, because that's how they made their money. When I stopped, I slowly gained back the weight! And of course, going on the pill made me balloon. Ugh! But doing the opposite and focusing on exercising & just plain old eating healthy has been working better.
I also think starting our new vitamins has been giving me more energy & keeping me alert.

The storm is going to be keeping us inside, but my sister wants to do wii fit today... so I might give it a try!


The Loopy-O
I was bad bad bad this weekend.
My mom brought bagels, chocolate munchkins and Cait made muffins for b-fast. I just simply had to eat them all.

But I was pretty good on moving. I raked leaved for about an hour, maybe more. Broke a sweat on that.


The Loopy-O
Meg- it sounds like you are on the right track. Is there a different pill that you can take to keep down the weight gain? IIRC, some seem to cause weight gain more than others. However, I also know that not all pills, BCP or otherwise, react to each person the same. My antidepressant caused me to gain a bit, so I switched to one that is supposed to have weight loss as a side effect. However, it made my head spin so badly I had to switch back to my "fat pill" LOL

Did you play wii fit? Its is a lot of fun. Keeps me from getting bored which is one reason I tend to give up on working out a lot.

Laurie- good for walking! Are you able to get YMG to go with you? Or is is just better to have "alone time?"


The Loopy-O
Lauire- posted at the same time! As soon as I get back from the bus I am hitting the TM for 15 mins then going for a walk at 8am.


Well-Known Member
Meg- it sounds like you are on the right track. Is there a different pill that you can take to keep down the weight gain? IIRC, some seem to cause weight gain more than others. However, I also know that not all pills, BCP or otherwise, react to each person the same. My antidepressant caused me to gain a bit, so I switched to one that is supposed to have weight loss as a side effect. However, it made my head spin so badly I had to switch back to my "fat pill" LOL

Did you play wii fit? Its is a lot of fun. Keeps me from getting bored which is one reason I tend to give up on working out a lot.

Laurie- good for walking! Are you able to get YMG to go with you? Or is is just better to have "alone time?"

They put me on one that is supposed to be the most effective, there's only two placebos & then five pills with low hormones for that last week. It's supposed to also be easier on the body, instead of causing a huge drop in hormones. Ugh, I'd love to change, but then I think it would cause me to be a paranoid nutcase not having those extra hormones lol! I know what you mean with the anti-depressant, I was on two different ones that caused me to crave carbs! I ballooned just the same. But once my PTSD was under control, and I was weaned off, I was able to recover my old body quickly. I hope I can do that again :(
But, since we started taking multivitamins... I've noticed I'm physically feeling better in almost every way. My stomach is calm, have more energy, not as emotional, etc. I did some research on vitamins & the pill, bc the pill instructions make it sound like taking vitamins can reduce their effectiveness -- well, turns out the pill can cause deficiencies!!!! I'm pretty sure that played a huge part in me ballooning.

We didn't play wii fit, the boys wanted to play madden football. I wish we had a wii at home!

Well -- yesterday was a HUGE WORKOUT!!!!! My hubby was a dumb californian and didn't put on a jacket while we were at Fort Clatsop, so when it started to rain and blow, he RAN up the wrong trail back to the car. I had to sprint after him.
Then, after that cardio, we went to the Astoria Column and climbed 164 steps made for giants. I hate being this short!!! Well, my thighs definitely got worked out.
There was more hiking throughout the whole day, and it took energy just to stand against the wind at several points of the day. I really hope this trip was enough to kick start me to keep working out at home.

Ok, enough of a novel, I need to get back to packing.


The Loopy-O
I haven't posted an update in a couple of days but I have been working hard :)

I am really happy that I am increasing my times for working out.
Tues: 30 mins treadmill
Wed: 30 mins wii fit
Thurs 25 mins wii fit

Meg- How tall are you? I am 4'11"- and MMG is 6'-- it is always an adventure trying to keep up with his stride. No, I take that back, before he got sick, it would be like that. Now he kind of shuffles around a la Ozzy......

At any yrate, I feel your pain on those steps!