
Let's fight the guilt (...gut) before the holidays!!


Well-Known Member
Ok Ladies -- I noticed that a lot of us are trying to get back into shape, or keep up our shape! So I'm starting this thread to motivate us to get started & keep it going through the holidays!!

Share your goal, track progress & activity, any feelings about it, and most of all -- motivate the rest of us!!

For example, my goal is:
To get back down to my weight when I graduated from high school & to hopefully go down that cup size I gained going on the pill. Talk about back problems!!
I want to start with walking a few miles every day with my mother in law after work, and eventually feel comfortable enough to go to the gym & use the elliptical again. Both my husband and I are going to modify our diets, but that's going to be a challenge with my health restrictions.

See, I didn't give numbers -- but I did establish a clear goal. Progress tracking doesn't need to be specific pound/kg counts, but can be percentages. Like... you're 15% on your way to reaching your goal!

And best of all -- scrap!!!! Simple journaling, or include pictures if you feel like it. A great indication of weight loss doesn't have to be your whole body -- faces show a lot too!

So, if you agree with this idea of mine -- how far do you want to take it? Through Christmas? New Year? Armenian/Orthodox Christmas?


lOve the O!
love the idea Meg- I have been so motivated to move with the daily thread- but a thread just for this would be wonderful- I'll be back with a goal!!


The Loopy-O
Great idea Meg!!!
I have to keep my goal very small and ambiguous LOL If I don't, then I get a wee bit crazy.

But my goal is to move (wii fit, treadmill, walk, crunches etc) at least 10 mins a day. Shooting for 20-30 if I can.

Since I have been walking/wii fitting, I cansee thatmy legs are more toned, but my stomach/abs are a gooshy mess. Not fat really but just soft and flabby. I don't know if there is any way to really get that toned again because since I had kids, its been like that.

I would love to lost at least 5 more lbs, but I don't think my weight is going to budge much more that the few lbs I have lost since the summer started.


The Loopy-O
Oh, and I never thought to scrap it! Maybe that will be a good one to use for Amanda's challenge...


lOve the O!
and wouldn't these:

be wonderful to use if healthy eating is a part of your goal!!


The Loopy-O
And already, this thread made a difference. I was thinking about not walking today- but I thought of you and just did 25 mins on the TM!



lOve the O!
Hurray Chris-- I am waiting till later- before lunch and will walk outside- need to see the sun or clouds and since it is my day off- I can!


I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
I'll join in the fun ;) I have to get back to the gym .... ugh ... if only to find one more hour a day!! :faint: But we have the membership .... and I love it .... cause I do feel better for it!! :) So my goal ... which won't start until next week .... will be gym at least 3 times a week!! :)


Well-Known Member
...I need stress relief I will try to start walking. My goal is this...."Do something everyday" :) Since it is going to pour the next couple days I will start on Monday :)


Well-Known Member
For a great low impact workout -- I like the "Walk Away the Pounds" video with Leslie Sansone. I have the original workouts I think, the ones with 1lb ball weights. I really really liked the video, because it's easy to follow, and you don't have to watch it five times to learn the moves.

Just a thought -- when I briefly tried Jenny Craig before my wedding (their food was super gluten heavy, that's when we realized my allergy) -- they had month "step" challenges. Like, they would calculate how many steps it would take to climb half dome, then challenge everyone to take that many steps each month. I'm going to start wearing my step counter again to get me off my butt more! Maybe I'll figure out how to calculate different step distances and give us all a step goal ...


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Great Ideas Meg... I'm on the band wagon with the rest of you ladies!!
Would love to drop at least 1-2 dress sizes, might have to borrow my sister's wii fit to try that out and will get busy doing more walking and hiking again. Guess I better dust off the treadmill LOL.


lOve the O!
Well- just wanted to say I walked briskly outside for 2 miles in the sun and WIND- yipes a little cooler than I was dressed for- hence the briskness.

My goal is to lower my cholesterol bad and total to acceptable levels so that I do not need to add another medication to my regime. To do this I need to modify my eating habits, increase my exercise (which I have been doing) and lose weight. I will ask my doctor to repeat my blood test in December, if I have achieved my goal YEAH, if I have done all I could and not achieved my goal - well it's gotta be those family genes.


Well-Known Member
I like the "Walk Away the Pounds" video with Leslie Sansone.
Oh Meg I have them!!! Thank you for the reminder - now I don't have to wait for the rain to stop! Wooot Woot!! She's fun!



I'm in!

My short term goal is make my "fat" jeans fit. Long term goal: get back into my skinny jeans!

To do this, I'm going to do "something" every day for atleast 10 min. (like chris, if i try to say more than this, i'll make myself crazy and give up)


Well-Known Member
Hooray! I love to see this taking off!!!

I tried to use my pedometer today -- but I quickly realized why I stopped using it. In order to get it to count my steps, I need to walk like a marching band leader. My stride is just way too small because of my short body.

SOOO... I have no idea how I'm going to measure my progress each day. We'll see.

Tonight after my hubby goes to work, I'll do a work out from Walk Away the Pounds. I'm not sure if I'll do the 30 min one or 45 min, depends on how I'm feeling. Last night was a bad night, but so far so good tonight!


The Loopy-O
LOL @ Meg- that is the same with me. I have a pedometer, I used to do the 10,000 steps challenge, but I would be walking all crazy and it would show like 11 steps.... nope, I don't think so!

Vicki- If you are like me, (and I know ya are darlin') if we say 10 mins, we'll do more. But if we say 20-30 mins, we'll get all lazy and stop. Am I right? Great that you are joining us!

I did a 20 min circuit training on wii- EA Sports, or somethinglike that. My mom got it for me for my b-day in 2009. This is the second time I used it. heh.

I am trying to mix it all up so i don't get bored.

Meg- I have mentioned SparkPeople.com to people. I know Laurie tried it out. I haven't been on in a long time. Don't know why but it keeps telling me I am not logged in when I am. and I haven't had the time/energy/caring tpo figure it out.
But the site is really good to track fitness and calories every day.

Yay Kat!!!!! For stress, I used to do yoga......(I know, seriously- what have I not tried???? I am a fitness/diet junkie). Do you have Cablevision by any chance? If you do, they have a feature called Mag Rack. They have free "videos" on demand for yoga as well as a bunch of other fitness routines.

I saw my mom yesterday and she said that i looked happy. I think it is becasue I am trying to do something for me, to make me feel and look better. Yay!

Love the O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Meg-I have an all or nothing personality (really, I do! Are you surprised???? hahahahah!!!). When I first got so sick and was feeling yucky and in constant pain, I did nothing at all. Then I would have a good day and push myself too hard. Its only taken me 4? 5? years, but I am slowly learning that I need to be gentle with myself. Light stretches or yoga is better than nothing. And the more that I move, the better my joints/muscles are goign to feel. Both of out Lyme drs said that gentle exercise and/or PT is a great way to get the body to heal.

Sorry for the novel, but I guess I am remninding myself here too. Be kind to yourself, but don't give up!



lOve the O!
I walked for 30 min, I need to put my smiley sticker on my calendar-= yup I track exercising for 30 min or more on my calendar! been eating fairly well. found out from a techy mom at work that droids have a free app- cardio something that will track how far you walk while you are wearing them - bet it is the gps thing-hmmmm

Persnickety Prints

Active Member
Very GOOD Idea! LOVE Goals! I am turning 36 this year, and age is definitely slowing things down! I have been a Gym member for half of my life. I have found that once I stop weight lifting (a one hour pump class), the diet pepsi and Ice Burg Peanut Butter Cup Shakes start to stick. My goal is to not sleep through my pump class because once the snow starts falling, I don't want to get out of bed! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chris!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same way with my illness, but it's been more bad days than good the last month, so I've been pretty stagnant.

But, I have been adding more stretches and pushing myself to be active more -- like if I'm coming back into my workspace from getting something, I'll make myself powerwalk/pace up and down the hallway for a few minutes. I ended up not doing the Walk Away the Pounds video the other night -- the CD drive on my laptop keeps kicking discs out, and I didn't want the whole neighborhood to see my shadow bouncing around in the front room. So, now I'm switching my work outs to the mornings... like wake up at 6am, workout, shower, and eat before the hubs gets home.

Food wise, I've been going back to the portions/"volumectrics" that worked for me in JC. I have done spark people, but uh... yeah, didn't work out for me either. Keeping a food & exercise journal in my planner has worked out best in the past.

Tomorrow is going to be ten degrees cooler, only 86!!! So I'm thinking of taking the dog for a power walk around the city block (~2 miles)


The Loopy-O
Chari- I am 42 and I can see how much harder it is to keep the weight down. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted. Then it got to be I could get the weight off easily just by cutting back on what i was eating. Now it doesn't seem to matter what the heck I do, these 5-10 lbs don't want to budge. Grrrr.

Meg- I have to w/o in the morning, or I won't/can't do it. Either I get lazy, or I just plain old poop out.

Today is the first "weekend" so I have to figure out my best plan of attack to get some movement in. Its so much harder on the wekends to stick to the routine.


The Loopy-O
I walked for 30 min, I need to put my smiley sticker on my calendar-= yup I track exercising for 30 min or more on my calendar! been eating fairly well. found out from a techy mom at work that droids have a free app- cardio something that will track how far you walk while you are wearing them - bet it is the gps thing-hmmmm

That's the "teacher" in you!! I shoudl do that to- I live by my planner.
Great idea!


lOve the O!
well, we did 60+ min of dance lessons and later today I will go for at least a 2 mi walk to get my Vit D in!!


The Loopy-O
I was so mad at myself yesterday. I wanted to get on the TM for 10 mins yesterday and I didn't get the chance. The I ate too much at B and SIL's house, including some really really delish carrot cake.

I did 30 mins on the TM just now to make up for the non-yesterday. My legs are a bit shaky ;)


Well-Known Member
I was so mad at myself yesterday. I wanted to get on the TM for 10 mins yesterday and I didn't get the chance. The I ate too much at B and SIL's house, including some really really delish carrot cake.

I did 30 mins on the TM just now to make up for the non-yesterday. My legs are a bit shaky ;)

Don't feel bad Chris!! You totally made up for it :)

I'm now down for the count -- I just started after being late, so my hormones and body are totally out of wack. I feel like I've been run down by a moose! Hopefully it's just today, because tomorrow I'll definitely be getting exercise running around trying to get ready to leave.


lOve the O!
so I ate an entire bag of mini caramel rice cakes as I grocery shopped- definately getting my Vit D walk in today- especially since I bought DH a lemon Meringue pie for his bd dinner!