Mistress of Mayhem
Find someone you trust and let him/her know your password to Facebook. As you know, my sister passed away on March 24. Facebook can't close down her account until they get a death certificate, which apparently takes time. My sister's birthday was on May 5th, and since "friendship" is a rather shallow thing on Facebook, she received several birthday greetings from people who hadn't heard. This was very hard for her daughter.
To avoid things like this, share your password with someone that can go and delete your profile if something should happen to you. This can avoid a lot of upset for your family.
I totally understand if you want to keep it private, I'm not saying you have to do this. But if you have someone you trust enough, at least consider this.
To avoid things like this, share your password with someone that can go and delete your profile if something should happen to you. This can avoid a lot of upset for your family.
I totally understand if you want to keep it private, I'm not saying you have to do this. But if you have someone you trust enough, at least consider this.