Happy National Dog Day!
National Dog Day: How to celebrate your dogs
I had no idea that today was a specific day to celebrate dogs. I mean, isn't *every* day a day to celebrate them? I found out it was a special day when my DS asked if I had the collapsible water bowl I bring when we hike. That was odd since he was on his way to work. And -- he wasn't bringing our dogs. He is leading a Dog Hike at one of the parks today so he wanted an extra in case one of the hikers didn't have one for their dog.
Sidenote: I am pretty jealous that he gets to hang out with lots of dogs today.
In honor and celebration of our fur babies, drop a picture, or two or 100, of them here so we can say "Awwwwww" and give virtual tummy rubs and treats to them. If you have any LOs--link us up too!
National Dog Day: How to celebrate your dogs
I had no idea that today was a specific day to celebrate dogs. I mean, isn't *every* day a day to celebrate them? I found out it was a special day when my DS asked if I had the collapsible water bowl I bring when we hike. That was odd since he was on his way to work. And -- he wasn't bringing our dogs. He is leading a Dog Hike at one of the parks today so he wanted an extra in case one of the hikers didn't have one for their dog.
Sidenote: I am pretty jealous that he gets to hang out with lots of dogs today.
In honor and celebration of our fur babies, drop a picture, or two or 100, of them here so we can say "Awwwwww" and give virtual tummy rubs and treats to them. If you have any LOs--link us up too!