
Hello from the Pacific Northwest



I have been lurking around for quite some time and it's time I introduced myself. My name is Christine, my screen name is Eucalypta. Any members from the Netherlands will recognize her. She is a character from a children's book/play/video/tv. It started out as a play on the radio where I listened to as a child before bedtime, we didn't get our first tv until1967! There were also books about this clumsy wicked witch and later my own daughter enjoyed the stories and tapes and CD's. It's one of those things that never go out of style. Because I have such good memories of her I use here as my screen name, it's unique so not many people use it over here in the US.

I'm a wannabe American ;-) A transplant from Europe to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. English is not my native language and sometimes when tired my grammar isn't the best so I apologize in advance for any future upsettings, irritations and errors. ;-)

I share my home with my husband, our 2 Border Collies and 3 evils catz that are a cross between a monkey and a cat(just kidding!) and a special breed called Devon Rex, very agile and very snuggly and talkative. They have a curly fur that does not shed.
My family and daughter lives in the Netherlands and she and her husband enriched their lives with a beautiful baby boy last year. Unfortunately I have not met him yet due to the fact that I have a progressive neurological illness that makes it impossible to fly. On bad days I am bed bound on good days I use Wheelie, my wheelchair.
I am trying not to let that define me, or slow me down, it's not who I am, I just happen to have this illness.

In my previous healthy life I was a Graphic Designer with a major in Typography. I'm still majorly addicted to typography!

I discovered digital scrapbooking only a few months agaon when I realized I had to do something to find a creative outlet. Being creative and able to create is who I am, I can only deal with my emotions and feed my spirit and soul through art and through creating and journaling. For me it's the process the road travelled, not so much the result that counts.

I want to create memory books for my daughter so she and my beautiful grandson will always know who his Nana and who her mom was, what her dreams, goals and values were.

I'm looking forward getting to know you, I'm subscribed to the 52 weeks, both the project and the regular 52 weeks and hope to find the courage to post my first layout soon! ;-)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Well, Welcome home to the "O" Christine!!! Never feel shy to post your layouts we are a friendly bunch here and are always here if you need any help or suggestions. I bet you are going to put us all to shame with your layouts very soon!! With your background it should be a breeze for you! I am so happy that you have decided to stay with us and make the "O" your home! Please try out the challenges, its a great way to try your new skills and the Creative Techniques Challenge is a wonderful way to learn new tricks!! Ona is the best and I know she will help you out in anyway she can with Creative Techniques Challenges. Looking forward to seeing your first layout with us!!


Hi, Christine and Welcome to O'Scraps!

There are a few of us from Pacific Northwest around.
Our "O" home is very "family" oriented :) we encourage each other, have fun and enjoy ourselves.

Digital scrapbooking is a blessing to those of us who are physically unable to do other hobbies. It's a wonderful creative outlet and you share your creations with your family.

52 Weeks is a great way to start - I have participated for years and each year it gets better.
Check out our challenges too - they are not only fun but inspiring too.
We have lots of freebies in the store if you're short on supplies to get you started!

If you need anything just holler - and please Post your pages!

Looking forward to seeing you in the forums and the gallery



Well-Known Member
Hi Christine! Welcome!

Nope. You won't find any typography addicts around here. No siree. No way. There aren't any of us font addicts around. No one at all who has over 1600 fonts on their hard drive. I don't know how you are possibly going to find anyone to talk about type with here!!!!

(That was me being really sarcastic and funny.....we are all font nutheads!!!)


Well-Known Member
Welcome Christine! I love your reason for digital scrapping! Nothing like creating a history for your daughter and grandson! Can't wait to start seeing your pages in the gallery!


always chatty at the O!!
I am also from the PNW!! I own a house in Olympia but live in NC!! Welcome to the O!! It is a great place to hang out as you navigate your way through this fabulous thing we call digital scrapbooking. :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O! So happy you've decided to join us and I can't wait until you get the courage to post your first layout, either! Looking forward to it!


Well-Known Member
Hi Christine! Welcome to Oscraps! I hope you find relief in digi scrapping. Looking forward to seeing your LOs here.


The Loopy-O
Oh Christine you are going to fit right in. Just from your intro we have so much in common.
1. Our name, although I use Chris more than Christine
2. I have three evil kittiez too. One is lovingly *cough* called Catzilla. You'll hear lots about her if you hang out in the Daily OOo's.
3. I am a fontaholic too. Sara and I try not enable each other too much, but you are welcome to try!
4. Chronic illness..... my whole family has Late Stage Lyme. Even though I am not bed or wheelie bound, I understand the "good one day, horrible the next" syndrome.

So happy that you delurked, you'll find a very supportive group of people here!


Well-Known Member
Hi Christine,
Welcome to the O!!

I'm from the NL to :D Where does your daughter and family living?
Love the idea why you started scrapping.

Look around at the forum, post some layouts! I'd love to see what you can make. Maybe participate in some challenges. You can win awesome prizes!:biggrin1:


Well-Known Member
oh, HOORAY, Christine!! it's so nice to have you here with us. i envy you your Pacific Northwest location. it is SO beautiful there! i'm looking forward to seeing your pages and getting to know you in the Forum.


aA Creative Team Member
Hi Christine. So nice to meet you. Glad that you found this wonderful little community. I look forward to seeing your pages.


Well-Known Member
Hi Christine! Welcome to O!
Does typography means anything to do with fonts? WOW ...

My daughter, Bianca, loves cat so much ... but I am still afraid to let her touch one ...
Anyway ... Enjoy your stay!