
Hello from North Florida!


Active Member
Hello, I am Eve from Lake City, FL. I love the designers here and have no idea why I haven't 'found' this place sooner! I am married with a three year old little girl, Taylor. I am a full time student going for my RN degree (started a little late- I will be 29 next month :-( )

I have been scrapping for about 10 years, 5 or so digi with a few breaks in between LOL.

I can't wait to get to know everyone!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:welcome: to Oscraps Eve!!! What tOOk you sO lOng? :)wink: JK!!!) The designers here are fabulOus aren't they?!?!?! They're such a talented bunch ... much like the scrappers here tOO!!! AnyhOO, welcOme, have fun & if you have any questiOns, please just shOut!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Oscraps! Never too late to study! Designers here are brilliant! I found I never had to look anywhere else as I can get all my supplies in one place here, be it artsy, mixed media or traditional!


Active Member
Thanks yall! Already did some shopping- grabbed the 'buy my store' from biograffiti that I have been wanting and LOVE everything LOL I don't usually spend that much at one time but I decided to treat myself for passing exams last week!

Already playing in the challenge section- I am a challenge addict! LOL


Well-Known Member
hi, Eve! Welcome to The O! i just know you'll love it here. so glad you're jumping in with both feet. the challenges are a wonderful way to get started here.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Eve! We are so glad you found us too. (Is it ominous to say, "You will never be the same..."? LOL)


ONA - Administrator
Hello and Eve and welcome to Oscraps!!! so happy that you will be joining us in the challenges!!!!!!!! I already spotted you in the Member Spotlight one!!!!!!! go Eve!!!!!!!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome, Eve! Kudos to you for studying to be an RN...wonderful profession!

Hope you enjoy it here at the "O"...there is so much to enjoy here!


always chatty at the O!!
This is an amazing site and I am glad you finally found your way here. I hope you love it here as much as I do.


O so scrappy!
Hi Eve! Welcome to the O! Glad you are making yourself feel at home here!!
Congrats on pursuing your degree. It's never too late! ;)


Well-Known Member
:welcome: Eve!

You'll have fun here between studying! I finally got my B.A. at age 56! It's never too late for sure.