Oh you are all so amazing!!!!!!! This just makes me heart smile!!!!! (might be the drugs but I don't think so LOL)
I did ok, very sore and a bit still off balance from the anesthesia. I did not want to come out of that at all, I could hear all of the people talking in Recovery and the nurse and then dr came in but I think I just laid there for at least another hour. They ended up taking away my warming thingy(Clara, what is that called??? Bair Paws or something like that but OMG I WANT ONE FOR MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!) and propped me up to get me "out."
So this Bair Paws things is a hospital gown that hooks up to a warm air vent and if you think that warm blankets are great, this thing is truky from heaven.
And speaking of Heaven, the nurse came on and I was saying how I was getting a headache. She asked if I was a coffee drinker and she brought me a cup of the bestest coffee ever since she said it was prob caffeine withdrawal.
Time for me to get do my IV abx (the fun never ends! ha!!!) and then I am off to bed.
Love you all so very much!!!!!!