
Christmas posting challenge....fa la la ...

Just have to pop in to say THANK YOU!!!!

You ladies are crazy, and definitely the most generous people as well!!!!!
I can't believe the amount of love I'm getting from the gallery, especially from you, Elisa!
I've been having a scrapper's block for a whole week so your comments help a lot in boosting the confidence level.
I just took on a big job assignment IRL very recently so I have to be late in returning the love myself, but I'll be back for it soon!
Pinky promise!!
Oh Pom...doesn't that IRL get in the way sometimes! But glad that you've joined us here...and hope that you'll stick around when you can!! Pretty sure that you'll love it like the rest of the (us) crazies!!!
So...297 remaining to hit my goal. 16 days.. Now I need 19 posts a day. However, I do happen to know that I have more than a few days off in those 16 days...so I'd say QUITE DOABLE!!!
I am so far behind- just not been my month- but there is still time and Linda- I love all the love you leave me- thank you!!
OKay.. Will try to make some noise in the gallery today. Lots going on here.
I believe I'm at 15,070 or so right now. :D
eeeeep! i am way way way behind. I know I picked a small goal,but I think I am at least still over 100 posts to go.....
Ahhh! I just checked my goal- 16, 400. I thought it was 16,250!

I am seriously in trouble!

Mine is 6500 so I am in a bit of trouble too. Christmas makes us do crazy things and lose our minds and over do it, doesn't it? Off to do something else like paint and not post in the gallery more than a few times...but I will post a few times. :)
*snorts* Clara you are too much! LOL

You sound like me when I was food shopping for C-mas yesterday. I have my menu, I know the stuff my mom and MIL are bringing. It is only going to be the 4 of us plus the 4 g-parents. I kept throwing stuff in the cart saying that I needed more food More food? I have enough to feed an army! (That is, if the army like bacon, dip, cheese, pepperoni.. :D)