
Christmas posting challenge....fa la la ...

Posted quite a bit this morning so I'm at 15,300 right now. 200 away from my goal.

Plus ONA! I saw you got back in front of me again! I'm going to have to catch you now! :D:D

hahaha!! Elisa! you will run rings around me!! I am being totally slack at the moment!! my sister from Sydney is still with me but she is going home on Friday so things will be back to normal!!! so then I will need to catch up to you!!!! :biggrin:
alas- I will have to reset my goal for the month of January- just not enough time to accomplish all that needs to be done.
alas- I will have to reset my goal for the month of January- just not enough time to accomplish all that needs to be done.

Dang, that real life got in the way again!:rant:
That's ok...because I for one really appreciated every single comment you made.:thumb:
And I know that I'll appreciate them in January too!:smile:
Popping in to leave this for Helen, just incase she shows up here:

bwhahhahaa!! no!! I don't think she will miss it at all!!! LOL!! could do with some of that right now though!!! the sun has finally appeared and IT IS WAY TOO HOT!!!! :)
bwhahhahaa!! no!! I don't think she will miss it at all!!! LOL!! could do with some of that right now though!!! the sun has finally appeared and IT IS WAY TOO HOT!!!! :)

Oh My Aussie Nana Mate....I have one here with your name all over it!!! :mrgreen:
Ona- in my world view- it is never too hot! Much easier for me to cool off, then it is for me to warm up.
Did I tell you girls that my MIL got me Hobo Gloves for C-mas? (fingerless winter gloves) Now I can wear them in the house and type onthe computer and my hands stay warm.
I also got new slippers, fuzzy socks, some new scarves, and a hat...... My fam knows me to well. hahahah!
I still have around 200 to do. Babysitting is not conducive to frantic posting! hehehe! So this may be a month I don't make my crazy goals!
But depending on how the celebrating goes tonight I'll try to come back & see what I can do.... I also have a lot of other scrapping I wanted to do before the 1st, but I don't see that happening since I'll have 3 kids with me tonight, ha!