Dumpty- take care of you - we won't talk about me backing my car into a tree on Thanksgiving!! I love when the holidays are elongated!
Oh yes, I am okay- took some bark off the tree, felt foolish and did $4000 damage to my beloved cadillac- it will be getting a makeover later this month and my Christmas gift is the $500 deductible- life is good- it was only a car and the only thing that got hurt was my pride!!
Glad everyone is okay!
Yesterday we finished the cards, or better envelopes... we wanted to do some mail art (decorated envelopes) and put a card in there, but then we thought what if the envelope breaks down, or can't get through the system because of all the layers? So we decided that the envelope is now the card so don't be surprised if you find an envelope inside an envelope will be in the mail soon
I stupidly fell just outside my front door this morning.... spent a while at the hospital. Nothing broken, just a bad sprain and huge internal bruise on my left foot and a sprain on my left shoulder too ...
So I'm a bit of an invalid (and I'm in quite a bit of pain as well)... I'll have to order online ofr the cards to be printed so it might take a few more days than having them printed at the shop directly ... I'll make it as fast as possible but don't hate me if they come in a little late, OK ?
Oh yes, I am okay- took some bark off the tree, felt foolish and did $4000 damage to my beloved cadillac- it will be getting a makeover later this month and my Christmas gift is the $500 deductible- life is good- it was only a car and the only thing that got hurt was my pride!!
I am finishing up my cards- They got put on the back burner by my son coming home and then traveling to my other sons so we could have a family Christmas- first time in years, so important to me and so much fun! Will post them by Thursday at the latest.
Yeah èèèèèèèèèèè today i received Vicki's beautiful card !!!!!