
Are you a morning or a evening person?


Well-Known Member
I'm an evening person, but I have to get up early every morning to go to work. I hate getting up early :mad:. Ii set the alarm at about 3 quarters of an hour before I have to get up, to get adjusted to the idea. Every morning again.
In the evenings I tell myself to go to bed early. That hardly ever works. I get awake in the evening and there is always so much to do. So I go to bed too late and regret this in the morning :crying1:

Do you recognize this?
Or are you a morning girl?


Well-Known Member
I'm a night owl. For many years I stayed up way late. In 2020 I got super sick and had to make a lot of changes. I hate mornings and dislike morning people who feel they must talk to me. However, I hate the snooze button even more. I hate it telling me get up then again and again. So after getting sick I had to set a schedule for meds. I keep it every day and now my body is adjusted and its not so hard to get up. I set my alarm for 7 a.m. and get out of bed. I do this every day no matter if weekend, travel or holiday. I have 90 minutes for coffee and relaxing on the couch before I have to start my day. I also take 40-60 mg melatonin every night to sleep. Takes me an hour to fall asleep, which is when I read in bed. I start the process at 10 p.m. every night but Friday. Then we might stay up till 1030 watching tv, but my alarm is still set for 7 a.m. I no longer need to be so regimented as many meds have been removed (YEAH) but my body and mind feel better keeping the schedule. If I need to be up later that's not a problem for me, I just dont take melatonin. But dont, please dont ask me to get up earlier. Its HORRIBLE and I will be cranky :floorlaugh: I find traveling that its easier for me to keep the schedule too. My clock adjust the time zones, but I leave the 7 a.m. alarm. So the first day is rough as we usually change two zones and my 7 a.m. is all of a sudden 5 a.m. but it helps me adjust to the times too as I am tired by bed time and wont be up till 2 a.m. Wow that was long and rambley just to say I'm a night owl who had to adjust.


Well-Known Member
I used to be an evening person but I think as I grow older I am becoming a little of both. I still can get carried away on my computer and realise it is past my usual time to head to bed.


Well-Known Member
Well... I burn the candle at both ends - the other day I was up at 2 am still scrapping and getting ideas out of my head, but I like getting up early and having a little peace and quiet and time to myself before the day gets away. Not that the house is loud and crazy at 2 am - but something about the quiet of the morning is extra special.


Well-Known Member
My natural tendency is to be a night owl. However, I always had to get up early. I am ok with that if I can ease into my morning. My family knows not to poke Mama Bear in the morning with a lot of talking or commotion of any kind. I like to get up a little earlier to get that quiet time before everyone else is up. But I also love the quiet of the house after everyone is in bed. I get some of my best work done in my jammies.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm a terrible night owl. I don't even think about going to bed before midnight, but hardly ever make it before 1 am. Sometimes, it's 2 am if I get busy doing something. My mojo starts kicking in about 10 PM. One year, I started decorating the Christmas tree at 11PM. I just got in the mood to do it. I didn't stop until it was done.

I worked for many years and had to be at work at 7:30 in the morning. I never went to bed early and always hated mornings. I don't need a lot of sleep which is a good thing.


ONA - Administrator
:angelwhistle::angelwhistle: me??!! a night owl???!! lol! I don't get to bed before 2.00am and the last few nights (mornings?? :oops:) I have been up until around 3.30am. Like many of you I used to have to get up early for work but since I retired I have gradually reverted to my owlish ways. And I am not a morning person either, just don't talk to me and we will get along fine! After 39 years hubby sometimes still forgets that and starts telling me all this stuff and I just stand there staring at him with an owlish look on my face thinking 'what the heck!' :lol23::lol23: A couple of hours later I have to go back and ask him what did he actually tell me!!! hahaha!!!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::lol23::lol23: I just had a scene flash into my head, all of us owl people sitting around the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and all just staring out into our own individual little spaces! :giggle4::giggle4:

My sister and I are total opposites, she is the go to bed early get up early. When we were young we flatted together, we would get up, get ready for work and then had to walk for a while down to the train station. Once we were on the train my sister would then start chatting about different things as she knew it was 'safe' to do so! :giggle4: Fast forward to 2012, we went overseas together for a six week holiday so it was the first time in approx. 30 years since we had be together like that, day and night. Once we arrived in Germany to start our holiday, she asked me over breakfast, "I had forgotten how 'cheerful' you were in the mornings! When's a safe time of day to start talking to you now??!!" :lol23::lol23: But happy to say we got through our six weeks together and had an amazing time. :)


ONA - Administrator
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:This sounds perfect!!! And breakfast wont even start until 10 a.m.!!!!!
*cough* well I will be a tad late, I don't get up until around 11.15am :lol23::lol23:

Totally not US before at least 10.00am ------> :groupchat:



Well-Known Member
I come out as a lark among all the night owls = that's what they say in Germany, a morning person, I'm a very early riser - I get up at 5 a.m. at the latest and love experiencing the day awakening, the total silence when the birds start singing, dusk turns into day, I can work on the computer in peace = that's my time!
"Morning has broken..." is my song♥


Well-Known Member
I used to be a night owl, but I find the older I get, the earlier I'm going to bed, and getting out of bed in the morning. These days i'm up anywhere from 5am to 7am - it's rare that I sleep past 7am.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, I can see that I am waaaaay in the minority here. The way you all operate at the end of the day? That's the way I do at the beginning. I'm so a morning person and wake up at 5am every day, some sort of internal alarm clock that works whether it's a dark, winter morning or a bright summer one. The strange thing is, when I was in Australia with a 13 hour time difference and some jet lag, I still woke around 5am; crazy since it would have been early evening at home! I do my best work and scrapping in the wee early morning hours and start to fade in early evening. And, don't try talking to or asking me to make sense or understand something at 8pm. My brain has gone to bed by then! :sleeping2::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I am a semi-reformed night owl. I loved staying up late reading and sometimes that became an all-nighter, but then I had to be able to sleep. When I started going to the gym regularly after retirement, I found that I had to get up earlier so I would get myself there. If I went around 7, the traffic was bad for the 20-mile drive the gym was busier, the people were snootier, and most of my morning was gone by the time I finished and showered. Three days a week the alarm is set for 4:15 am, I have the highway pretty much to myself, and I'm there at 5 with all the other early birds, who are generally more laid back, unless you're on a machine they want to use LOL, and by the time I do my 2 hours and shower, and maybe pick up a few groceries, I can be home by 8. That also means I'm getting ready for bed by 8 and in bed by 9. Cray cray I know, but I do have some sweet early bird friends.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@JeanneMN Reformed night owl goofysmile1 Hey, whatever works. And if you need a nap after you get home, you have already done a good chunk of your daily routine. That’s a Win-Win in my book!
I typically nod off if hubs is watching Gunsmoke :rotfl:


Queen of the Universe
I am NOT a morning person! One of the joys of being semi-retired is that I can get up whenever I feel like it. As a matter of fact, I chose my part-time job specifically because it was in the afternoons. I go to bed anywhere from 10:30pm-1:00am, depending on how I feel.


Well-Known Member
I come out as a lark among all the night owls = that's what they say in Germany, a morning person, I'm a very early riser - I get up at 5 a.m. at the latest and love experiencing the day awakening, the total silence when the birds start singing, dusk turns into day, I can work on the computer in peace = that's my time!
"Morning has broken..." is my song♥
I love that song by Cat Stevens beautiful but I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination!


Well-Known Member

This topic caught my eye because I will never be a morning person and since I’ll be turning 75 this year, I don’t think it’s going to happen! I have been a night owl most of my life usually not going to bed until one or two or sometimes pulling an all nighter. And getting up in the morning is just not any fun, my preferred time would be around 10 or 11 AM. My husband knows not to talk to me early in the morning.
I can count on maybe both hands the number of times I have actually seen a sunrise!
After our mother died in 2012, My sisters and I would be up at 4-ish to go to Starbucks and then down to the Huntington Beach pier to watch the sunrise and throw flowers into the water off the pier and we had one of her favorite albums, which was the Ave Maria sung by various artists and reminisce about mom. I would take pictures of the sunrise and ask somebody to take a picture of us together as I am the scrapbooker in the family. I hopefully attached the scrappage that I did of one of our very early morning outings which were always on mom‘s birthday, November 19th.


ONA - Administrator

This topic caught my eye because I will never be a morning person and since I’ll be turning 75 this year, I don’t think it’s going to happen! I have been a night owl most of my life usually not going to bed until one or two or sometimes pulling an all nighter. And getting up in the morning is just not any fun, my preferred time would be around 10 or 11 AM. My husband knows not to talk to me early in the morning.
I can count on maybe both hands the number of times I have actually seen a sunrise!
After our mother died in 2012, My sisters and I would be up at 4-ish to go to Starbucks and then down to the Huntington Beach pier to watch the sunrise and throw flowers into the water off the pier and we had one of her favorite albums, which was the Ave Maria sung by various artists and reminisce about mom. I would take pictures of the sunrise and ask somebody to take a picture of us together as I am the scrapbooker in the family. I hopefully attached the scrappage that I did of one of our very early morning outings which were always on mom‘s birthday, November 19th.
What a lovely thing to do for your Mum, a wonderful way for all of you to remember her and reminisce. :lovey3: I also absolutely love your layout, what a beautiful and nostalgic atmosphere you have created with that large blended photo, very moody but very moving as well!

While I am a night owl, during the years when the kids were growing up I was an early to bed and up early to look after them and then when I started work, getting ready etc. so I did get to see a few sunrises and they were very beautiful but like you I have reverted to my late nights and late morning routine now. :) I much prefer sitting outside to watch the sun set and then later on watching the moon and the starry skies when the weather is mild enough. :heartpumppink:


Well-Known Member
I'm a night owl. For many years I stayed up way late. In 2020 I got super sick and had to make a lot of changes. I hate mornings and dislike morning people who feel they must talk to me. However, I hate the snooze button even more. I hate it telling me get up then again and again. So after getting sick I had to set a schedule for meds. I keep it every day and now my body is adjusted and its not so hard to get up. I set my alarm for 7 a.m. and get out of bed. I do this every day no matter if weekend, travel or holiday. I have 90 minutes for coffee and relaxing on the couch before I have to start my day. I also take 40-60 mg melatonin every night to sleep. Takes me an hour to fall asleep, which is when I read in bed. I start the process at 10 p.m. every night but Friday. Then we might stay up till 1030 watching tv, but my alarm is still set for 7 a.m. I no longer need to be so regimented as many meds have been removed (YEAH) but my body and mind feel better keeping the schedule. If I need to be up later that's not a problem for me, I just dont take melatonin. But dont, please dont ask me to get up earlier. Its HORRIBLE and I will be cranky :floorlaugh: I find traveling that its easier for me to keep the schedule too. My clock adjust the time zones, but I leave the 7 a.m. alarm. So the first day is rough as we usually change two zones and my 7 a.m. is all of a sudden 5 a.m. but it helps me adjust to the times too as I am tired by bed time and wont be up till 2 a.m. Wow that was long and rambley just to say I'm a night owl who had to adjust.
Wow, you are amazing! But I do feel your story is interesting. I so often plan to do just that what you are telling. It does work. Thanks for sharing your story.