
Are you a morning or a evening person?


Well-Known Member
:angelwhistle::angelwhistle: me??!! a night owl???!! lol! I don't get to bed before 2.00am and the last few nights (mornings?? :oops:) I have been up until around 3.30am. Like many of you I used to have to get up early for work but since I retired I have gradually reverted to my owlish ways. And I am not a morning person either, just don't talk to me and we will get along fine! After 39 years hubby sometimes still forgets that and starts telling me all this stuff and I just stand there staring at him with an owlish look on my face thinking 'what the heck!' :lol23::lol23: A couple of hours later I have to go back and ask him what did he actually tell me!!! hahaha!!!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::lol23::lol23: I just had a scene flash into my head, all of us owl people sitting around the breakfast table with a cup of coffee and all just staring out into our own individual little spaces! :giggle4::giggle4:

My sister and I are total opposites, she is the go to bed early get up early. When we were young we flatted together, we would get up, get ready for work and then had to walk for a while down to the train station. Once we were on the train my sister would then start chatting about different things as she knew it was 'safe' to do so! :giggle4: Fast forward to 2012, we went overseas together for a six week holiday so it was the first time in approx. 30 years since we had be together like that, day and night. Once we arrived in Germany to start our holiday, she asked me over breakfast, "I had forgotten how 'cheerful' you were in the mornings! When's a safe time of day to start talking to you now??!!" :lol23::lol23: But happy to say we got through our six weeks together and had an amazing time. :)
Your story is too funny, but so recognizable. My sister goes to bed early and is awake the moment she gets up. Not me. No way :giggle4:


Well-Known Member
I come out as a lark among all the night owls = that's what they say in Germany, a morning person, I'm a very early riser - I get up at 5 a.m. at the latest and love experiencing the day awakening, the total silence when the birds start singing, dusk turns into day, I can work on the computer in peace = that's my time!
"Morning has broken..." is my song♥
Wow, I wish I could do that. I love nature, animals and birds and photography. But the best way to see them is to get up early and go into nature. So far I never succeeded.


Well-Known Member
A night owl, but during summer having midnight sun I don't know any longer what I am, lol., simply trying to sleep when I've a chance.
Something like the nights in the Scandinavian countries when it doesn't get dark all night!


Well-Known Member

This topic caught my eye because I will never be a morning person and since I’ll be turning 75 this year, I don’t think it’s going to happen! I have been a night owl most of my life usually not going to bed until one or two or sometimes pulling an all nighter. And getting up in the morning is just not any fun, my preferred time would be around 10 or 11 AM. My husband knows not to talk to me early in the morning.
I can count on maybe both hands the number of times I have actually seen a sunrise!
After our mother died in 2012, My sisters and I would be up at 4-ish to go to Starbucks and then down to the Huntington Beach pier to watch the sunrise and throw flowers into the water off the pier and we had one of her favorite albums, which was the Ave Maria sung by various artists and reminisce about mom. I would take pictures of the sunrise and ask somebody to take a picture of us together as I am the scrapbooker in the family. I hopefully attached the scrappage that I did of one of our very early morning outings which were always on mom‘s birthday, November 19th.
Your layout is so wonderful. Not being a morning person, but yet creating a layout about sunrise is so amazing!!