Done for the 52 Inspirations Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: To celebrate 5 years of marriage we rode the Goldwing to Lakeview Family Restaurant on High Rock Lake in Salisbury. It was hot. I was...
The Mixed Media Signature Kits: On Foot | Rachel Jefferies
Photo: My own, a photo of a lovely little spot called Dip Falls, located in Mawbanna - Tasmania. 2018
Done for the August Sweet Doll Designer Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: When I think of watermelon, I always think of this picture of my son, Michael. He looks to be 4 years old, which means this was...
Done for the August 2023 White Space / Clean Challenge #1 found here:
High Rock Lake, 7/26/23
Bike Ride to Lakeview Rest.
Anna Color Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: It was such a beautiful morning that it was a perfect day to ride to church on the bike. The sky was a brilliant blue and the clouds were fluffy and...
Anna Color Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: It was such a beautiful morning that it was a perfect day to ride to church on the bike. The sky was a brilliant blue and the clouds were fluffy and...
Anna Color Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: It was such a beautiful morning that it was a perfect day to ride to church on the bike. The sky was a brilliant blue and the clouds were fluffy and...
Example Layout Done for the August 2023 MultiPhoto Challenge #7 found here:
Journaling reads:
ENJOY the little things in LIFE
for one day you will look back and realize
they were the big things
Robert Briault
Example Layout Done for the August 2023 MultiPhoto Challenge #7 found here:
Journaling reads: Abby did some cartwheels for me so I could get pictures for the scrapbook challenge I was to host in August. 7/20/83
Journaling reads: I did not realize the coloring of the male and female bluebirds were different. I got some good pictures of each as they rested on top of one of our sheds. I’ve not had much success in the past capturing them as they do not sit still for very long on their perch. They are...
Journaling reads: During our ride home we came across a field of sunflowers. They were beautiful! No traffic was on this particular road, so Mark stopped so I could get a couple of pictures.
The map shows a gray path. The sort of circular path is the path we took to Sanibel’s and then on...
Journaling reads: “And God created...every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and...let fowl multiply in the earth.’ And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.” Genesis 2:21-23
Done for the July Sweet Doll Challenge found here:
Journaling reads: Abby’s brother and sister went to Tennessee for a week of Bible camp. Abby chose to stay with us for the week.
Monday, after Elisabeth took Hannah and...
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