


The war between the deer and the flower beds have continued this year. I feel that I won this year's battle (although there were some causalities).
Credits list
On sale for 1 week (May 12-16)
AnnaRelease 09 June 2017
Artplay Palette Meadow (paper, deer, button, transfer, banner, leaf)
Artsy Transfers Meadow
MultiMedia Flowers 4 (recolored)
Summer WordART Mix 1
MultiLayered FotoBlendz 8

Artplay Palette Yule (frame)
Artplay Palette Tangier (striped paper)
Paper Textures 6
Urban Threadz 11
FotoBlendz Overlays 15

A solid paper from APP Meadow was used as the foundation of the page. The large photo was clipped to a MultiLayered Fotoblendz mask. The striped paper from APP Tangier was clipped to another fotoblendz mask and placed behind the tulips. Artsy Transfers Meadow_1 was also added behind the tulips. Some of the layers were turned off and others were recolored green. The cluster was created using a variety of dimensional embellishments with an extracted tulip (custom shadow added for dimension). The page was completed by adding more dimensional embellishments, splatters from AT Meadow and word art.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
HaHa! I'm sure the deer appreciate your flowers. I battle the squirrels for the berries. The squirrels are very much ahead in the count. The funniest (okay, not too funny) thing to watch is when the pears are ripe. The squirrels will go into the tree, pick a pear take a few bites, throw it down, and go to the next. Beautiful flowers!
How clever to put your little deer charm on the page! Fun story, and congrats on your GSO!

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Anna Aspnes
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181.6 KB
600px x 600px

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