

Anna-Aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-Value-Pack-Photography -Church-Joan.jpg

  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – now I have time to play with photos and scrapbook pages. So, it isn’t anything cleverly planned just add one thing at a time and play.
Start-File>New 12x12 300.
Paper – Placed Solid Paper 3 from App Fotographie above the background Layer.
Photo - I played first with the photo editing it in Luminar Neo to remove the telephone wires. Then in Photoshop I cloned out part of my car. And then the real editing happened in Luminar AI. I wanted to make it look very storm like. I placed it on the page and englarged it to cover the whole page. I set the Blend Mode to Linear Burn. Duplicated the layer and changed the blend mode to Screen and the opacity to 44%. Next a added a solid color in a red with a Blend Mode of Soft Light to which I added a mask with a gradient the ran diagonally.
Transfer – I placed the 12X12 text Overlay from Fotographie over the photo layer. Then clicking on one of the photos I selected the church and then clicked back on the overlay and added an inverted mask. I put Transfer 9 from APP Snapshot in the upper left with a Color Burn Blend Mode and a copy in the lower right with a Vivid Light Blend Mode. Transfer 7 also from Snapshot I placed on the page and inverted using Ctrl I and a Linear Dodge (Add) Blend mode.
Element Cluster title – I used the word art Through My Eyes, I invert the word strip Snapshot from App Snapshot, added Fotoglow 4.1, the metallic String from Snapshot, FlowerBlue from App Fotogrphie which I ended up changing the color on, Tiewhite and finally the staple also from App Fotographie.
Brushes.- Brush 1 I did in white near the cluster and Brush 10 I did once in black with a color burn Blend mode and one in white slight set off and with a Overlay Blend Mode.
Playtime over.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
what a wow page.
the photo itself, but also the background design and the placement of the clustering and the artstrokes/brushes. a m a z i n g.
Looks like a church out of a movie where I had my eyes closed most of the time. You've made it look quite foreboding! Excellent!

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Anna Aspnes
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Anna-Aspnes-digital-scrapbook-artplay-Value-Pack-Photography -Church-Joan.jpg
File size
441 KB
Date taken
Sat, 24 June 2023 3:17 PM
1000px x 1000px

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