


April 2022 Challenge #1 - Artist Inspiration

First I made a geometrical mosaic of my photo.
I opened the photo and made a copy and added a gaussian blur on that layer.
I made a copy of the blurred layer and added a filter.
Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize. A pop up menu will appear - move the slider to the left or right for smaller or bigger shapes …
Then I made a copy of the layer with the shapes and I used another filter. Choose Filter > Stylize > Find Edges. The layer will turn white and look as if it has cracks in it. Don’t panic - this is normal and correct.
I changed the blending mode to multiply … and made several copies with different blending modes …
Step 2 - I made a sketch of my photo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5viVvYmttY)
I copied the different layers and placed them on top of the other layers – Again I played with blending modes …
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Robinson Designs
OH MY! I am so in awe! This is fabulous. It is exactly the effect his paintings have. Thanks for the quick description of how you did this. It is a must try for me. The tutorial link is great. thanks for that. I gotta give you a StandingO
Thank you Kythe for the Standing O! and have fun trying it out...
I am exhausted just reading the steps.... Stunning result... will have to try... of course having the perfect image to work with will be important also... thanks for sharing...and congrats on GSO....

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Challenge 1
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Vicki Robinson Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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File size
818 KB
700px x 700px

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