
Who are you? Forum Nickname-Name

Great idea Merkee!

Elicro62 = Elise

I used this when I first created a hotmail account back in 199? and kinda got stuck with it.
Leila_Ingmar = Madeline

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my user name is my own name LOL but I think that for native english speakers it's a little bit difficult to pronounce (once an English friend gave up to try, she started calling me Na)
Hello everyone!! My nick name is kristi8004
kristi=my name,80=my birth year and 04=the year I got married
Pretty simple for me to remember,LOL.
LOL, I'm Lex, and I call myself mrshobbes - because my muse is named Hobbes (he's actually this stuffed tiger my ex-boyfriend/now-husband gave me). So essentially I am married to my muse.
Gee, I've been here for a while but I barely post so I missed this.

Ladyk - Alisa (threw you for a loop right?) My nickname is Kiet (key-eht) which rhymes with Viet not diet lol so that's where the "k" comes from. It's a Laotian/Thai nickname :)