
Typos in LOs - would you want to know?


Cupcake Ninja
Hey ladies!

Lately I have been seeing a LOT of typos in LOs. I don't think I would ever say anything to anyone about their typos because, I guess, well, it's not my business and they didn't ask me to proofread their LOs :) But *I* on the other hand would really want to know if I had a typo. So of course that led me to thinking the question:

Would you ever tell someone they had typos in their LOs? Have you ever? How did they receive that?

PS - Now that I've said that I want to know if I had a typo - feel free to point them out to me if you see one :eek:


always chatty at the O!!
I only point out typos to designers in their products. I personally don't want people telly me about my typos for a couple of reasons...for one I am fanatic about spelling and grammar so I would want to fix it but I hate fixing it. So, if I don't know I don't have to fix it. I don't correct other people's spelling and stuff because it would get over whelming. Now, if I know someone really well I might send them a message. If I know someone well enough and know they struggle with English I might help them out a little. But as a general rule for myself I leave it alone. If for some reason I saw an issue that I thought should be addressed I would ALWAYS send it via PM and never in the comments. I think that would just be tacky.

I am pretty sure that I did a lot of rambling here but hopefully you caught the drift of what I was saying.


Cupcake Ninja
Hey Clara - I've pointed out typos in PMs to designers and I even felt weird about that!

I'm like you where I'm a lunatic about spelling and grammar and that's why I think I notice it so much. I love the "So if I don't know I don't have to fix it"!! I'd want to know so I could fix it and I'd have to, of course, fix it right away because I wouldn't be able to sleep but if they didn't tell me I'd never have to know. LOL!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
For me, I guess it would depend on how well I knew the person ... but then again, I'm notoriously bad for spelling, and even when I've proof-read my own journaling time & time again, I read what I'm expecting to see and not necessarily what I've actually written ... proof-reading blindness is my term for it!


lOve the O!
I would only point it out to people I know- I have caught my own when I have posted it, and then go back and fix it on the original. I wish that designing programs had spell check. Designers love to hear about the typos when you are on their design teams before it comes out, and afterwords- well Sue just had one in one of the 52 minis and sent out a correction.


The Loopy-O
Good question!
(seeing as how I am queen of typos LOL)

For me, it would be who that Lo is for. if it is for me-- then I would say ignorance is bliss. Take me for what I am, a notorious typo-journaler.
OTOH- if I am doing a page as a gift, then I would like to know.

so the conundrum would be- how to tell who the recipient of the page is?

I think I pretty much agree with Clara and Laurie and Sue. If you know the person, a PM would be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I always have LOADS AND LOADS of type O's and I don't care if ANYONE tells me...doesn't hurt my feelings at all.

To be honest...I usually don't fix them either...guess my grandkids will know that their Nana was typing challenged!!! HAHAHAHA!!! they will still know what it is!!! One of my worst type O's is repeating a word too...and if I delete the word it changes my spacing....so I just don't want to have to change the whole thing!! HAHAHA!!! can we say LAAAAAZZZEEEEEEEEEEE????


Well-Known Member
Oh...and as for telling designers...I KNOW they want to know about them...they would hate for something to cause a problem with a customer!!!!!!


ONA - Administrator
I don't mind being told either, but again I only tell people I know really well if I see a typo, just in case they do want to fix it. They can totally ignore me if they want to!!! stop laughing Nana!!!!! :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know if I'd made a typo ( if i'd change it would be another matter , depending on what how when where)
recently I noticed I'd put 20111 on a layout - that still needs to be corrected , but thenI go ach what the heck they'll know what I mean..
I have pointed out errors to other people I "knew" in a pm and that was greatly received


Well-Known Member
I would want to know. Like others, don't know if I would always fix it, but hate to think a goof is out there. On the other side though, not sure if I've ever let someone else know.