
Thx wonderful O family


Well-Known Member
It made me cry :) but I rec'd the gift box yesterday (while the realtor was here so I had to step out of the room for a few minutes). Your thoughtfulness and kindness really touches my heart. It was a bright spot in a difficult time.

Things are going at warp speed, we are making all the funeral plans and at the same time have met with a few realtors, picked one, and will be listing the house for sale at the beginning of the week. We will be taking bids on Tues so by Wed we could have our house sold if we like one of the bids. Then the next wkend we go to Kamloops for a few days to look at homes. Being busy with the house is good for us. It doesn't give us too much time to dwell on our sadness.

I just wanted to thank you all for your kindness and caring. I appreciate my O family so much.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Sending you all a big hug and best wishes with the sale of your home Rae!! Holding you close to my heart!! ❤️❤️


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
We love you, Rae. It's the least we could do to try to make this difficult time a little easier. Sending lots of love and hugs and good luck with the house - this is a good thing!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}


ONA - Administrator
Good luck with all the house selling/hunting, glad to hear you are being kept busy...... sending lots of love and best wishes sweetie! xxxx


The Loopy-O
It feels like the least we could do for you-- but I am very happy that you liked it and will think of us sending our love to you
Good luck with the house and moving (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))


Well-Known Member
So happy that you liked it and felt some of the love from your O family! You have so much going on...glad that you have plenty to keep you busy however.


Well-Known Member
Thx so much everyone. We are busy with everything but we are all starting to feel a bit better about things as we move forward. After next week things will slow down a bit aside from driving up to Kamloops (about a 4-5 hr drive so overnight trips if our house is sold and we can start looking to purchase) and we'll have 60 maybe 90 days to pack and get out of Vancouver. So in 60-90 days we hope to be settled into our new home and new life. Positive thoughts and prayers for all to happen as we need it to to move into our new life. We will be acquiring B's ashes next wk and will wait at least six months before deciding what to do with them and have a celebration of her life.

Back to finishing up work over the next 2-3 days when I can between getting the house ready for photos on Monday and then I will be officially retired. Looking forward to that.


ONA - Administrator
Thx so much everyone. We are busy with everything but we are all starting to feel a bit better about things as we move forward. After next week things will slow down a bit aside from driving up to Kamloops (about a 4-5 hr drive so overnight trips if our house is sold and we can start looking to purchase) and we'll have 60 maybe 90 days to pack and get out of Vancouver. So in 60-90 days we hope to be settled into our new home and new life. Positive thoughts and prayers for all to happen as we need it to to move into our new life. We will be acquiring B's ashes next wk and will wait at least six months before deciding what to do with them and have a celebration of her life.

Back to finishing up work over the next 2-3 days when I can between getting the house ready for photos on Monday and then I will be officially retired. Looking forward to that.
All the best in finding a new house in Kamloops, the name was intriguing that I went and Googled it, what a stunning place! and You are going to love retirement Rae, you will wonder how you ever found the time to work before! :) Hugs! xx


I love the "O"
It's just one small thing we can do for you during this difficult time.
Good luck finding a new home !