
Thanks to all who leave Gallery love


always chatty at the O!!
I have a little rant that I would like to share.

So, I have to post some of my LOs to a different website. A website I didn't really like much to begin with but over the past few months found out why. I get lots and lots of comments on my LOs there but I might as well get none. It seems that they are into power posting or something because I get so many "Great LO" comments. Almost like they don't even look at the LO. I have definately learned how to post love in the gallery here. I don't know if I have ever gotten a "Great LO" post here.

I love that when people here leave comments you can tell that they have actually looked at your page. I have learned that you need to find something you like about the page and let the creator know that. Even if I don't like a LO and am trying to leave some praise I have found that there is always something about it that is good. Now, sometimes you come across a LO that defies the ability to put down words. I hate it when that happens because I want to explain so badly how gorgeous a page is but that may be the only word I have for it or can only say "WOW!!"

So, I just thought of that this morning as I was looking at some comments that were left for me in the gallery. I want to thank every single person that leaves love in the gallery. Validation is the best!!
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Totally agree, the commenting here is so different from other places, it's like getting real compliments from friends!
I really, really get what you mean. :) I'd rather have one specific comment than 100 "great page" comments. :)
omg!!!!!! my friend therese and i were JUST talking about this the other day! i'm so totally opposed. i said to her "it seems like they type 'fantastic LO' one time, press CTRL+C and the open 75 layouts and just press CTRL+V in the comment section." hahaha. to me... it's not even about whether i like the layout or not. it's about what the creator is trying to preserve and how that is expressed by them. there is something wonderful about that in any style. there's ALWAYS something great about a layout... the techniques they used, the choice of color, the photo(s), the journaling, the text work, the "moment" or "event" that's being remembered. i LOVE how just about everyone here at oscraps really takes the time to pay attention and give sincere feedback. it REALLY does make a difference in the feel of the community here. i TOTALLY think that's what sets us so far apart from other sites.

this was a GREAT thing to bring up, Clara. thanks for the positive feedback!! :)
I totally agree to what you all are saying - this place is so great and when you get a comment on your page, you know that the person actually have looked at it :) ..... in one gallery I posted two pages the same evening, but not at the same time..... I got comments on both of them.... and the comments was exactly similar !!!!
I'm so glad you brought this up! I try to leave comments that are constructive, what I like about the layout etc. And I truly appreciate all the comment received here.
The only reason I posted on diff sites is I have the great honour of being Guest Designer for Nina Scraps and want to have as many people see them as possible - but OScrappers are the best! Thanks to everyone who takes the time to comments on my layouts -
Clara! you are so right!! I post off-site as well and some sites yes, they must just use the copy and paste mode! others are ok. Here at the O it is fabulous, I really like the 'personalised' comments as well...........thanks to everyone for doing just that! and thanks Clara for reminding us to think before we comment so that we all can leave the best of lovin' !! :)
I totally agree!!! I wonder all the time where did the original feeling go behind the "comments" which was to inspire and uplift our sister (and brother) scrappers?

I love the "O"........our family is awesome!
Yes yes yes!!! ITA! This is one thing that kept me coming back and has made this my fave digi site. That and the forums are so much friendlier than some. I love our friendly galleries and forums. I appreciate our wonderful designers, our awesome Cheery-Os, and all of my fellow members that make this my hOme :).

I do admit that sometimes about all I can get out is WOW or eeeek LOL but it's when my breath is gone or I am speechless LOL (I know, I know, that's hard to believe...LOL).
That's one of the great things here! It so feels like family when people add comments and know your name (and lots even know the names of your kids!)
Same here. I love reading the comments I get here. They are so personal. And I try to make mine as personal as I can too. Sometimes I end up not posting about the actual LO, but how it affected me. Like with Joanne's challenge this week, it was the journaling that affected me the most. So I commented on how it made me feel.

I love the O :)
great LO! ... euh great thread

ah ah ah ... I totally agree on it, and So glad that we all agree...that is ONE of the difrence between the O, and the rest of the world... digiworld.
Yep...just wanted to ditto what everyone has said! :) And thank you to all of you love-leavers! LOL!! I try my best to return love when someone comments on one of my pages but I do fall behind sometimes. So thanks to everyone for making the O such a sweet and friendly place!! Big hugs to all!! :D
I actually just mentioned this at Merkee's CT board! Once, like a year and 1/2 ago, I posted a thread at "another major scrap site" called "Nice LO TFS!" about this very thing. A friend of mine had noticed that there were comments in all of the LO's that were in the Praise Game section on that day WITH THE SAME TYPO in it! SO either the commenter was a bad speller who was just very consistent, or they cut and pasted.
Anyway, I do agree. I've been posting here a long time, and I actually get excited when I see that I have comments here, because that means that somebody saw and actually liked my LO.
So yeah, that (and other things such as Customer Appreciation Day- SQUEEEEE!) is why O is now my scrappin' home on the web!