
syfy fans.... Eureka

You know I did watch that one show with the kid from Dawson's Creek but it go too weird for me when they started bringing in weird monsters. Then they started moving in time and I saw the previews but I had missed too much at that point to be able to follow it.
Thanks to my DH I am well versed in it Vicki. Everything from Stargate to Star Trek to Battlestar Gallactica!

Never heard of Eureka?
Not a Sci Fy geek myself.....the grandson does like to watch a movie or two sometimes on the Sci Fy channel.
See, this is why I loooove Netflix- gives us a chance to watch TV shows we wouldn't otherwise get.
We watched Eureka - I think it was 3 seasons? on Netflix. We set up the DVR to record the new season, but we haven't found out if we are missing any episodes yet.

Vicki- do you know what season just started?

And do you watch Warehouse 13 too? Thats another syfy channel one we watch.
Love them all...I'm needing to start Warehouse 13! And Eureka is on season 4...I think we're watching on HuluPlus...love all of our watching options!! (a bit over the top,we are...said in my yoda voice!)
I'm excited to start using Hulu Plus since we will be getting rid of cable and buying a Blu-ray just for the internet tv watching capabilities...Can't miss all the great shows. :)
I'm a big sci fi fan but I don't think we get either Eureka or Warehouse 13! Are they HBO shows?