


Well-Known Member
dear friends just wanted you to know I had my surgery yesterday and am out of hospital today My daughter and I are staying one more night in the city and home tomorrow. Surgery went well and no lymph node involvement but won't know for sure till repot comes back in a few weeks. Very weak as no sleep all night in hospital so will be glad to get home. My daughter is a nurse and will be taking good care of me. Now time to heal. Thank you for your prayers and I know God answers them.hugs to all of you.Ang


Well-Known Member
great that's one step out of the way; take your time to recover .
So nice to have your daughter with you for support, no doubt she'll keep you in line. Gentle, very gentle hugs Ang.


The Loopy-O
Thank goodness no lymph nodes!!! Whew!

Gentle hugs and lots of healing love coming your way. Thank you for the update too. xo


Well-Known Member
Wish you a quick recovery Ang ! Send you prayers ... Good point your daughter is with you. Big hugs


aA Creative Team Member
Thinking of you Ang. Hoping you are home and resting soon. It's nice that you have your daughter close. I know she will take good care of you.


Well-Known Member
Hard to believe it is almost two weeks since surgery. Drains are out and doing gentle exercises. First shower was wonderful. First little stroll out in the yard. So many firsts! What a life changing experience and so thankful for each day. My children from British Columbia are coming tomorrow for two weeks as my trip I had planned has now changed so they get to come here. I always loved the mountains and hopefully next year I can plan a trip. God willing it will happen. One day at a time.Thank you again for your prayers and good wishes. Hugs Ang


The Loopy-O
Ang- good to hear that you are getting out and about, just don't push yourself. :) It will be wonderful to have your kids with you too. You sound like you are doing great!! :hug: