
Suggestions please


Well-Known Member
My friend has a granddaughter who's into gymnastics and wants me to scrap two pictures of her that were taken on a phone during the competition that she won. They aren't great photos so whatever I do needs to be a bit arty and slightly out of focus but my creative mojo has gone on holiday so I would be over the moon if anybody can suggest a kit, layout or other for me?

thank you xx
Check Anna's layouts...her team comes up with amazing artsy layouts that work well with that kind of photo. And I'm pretty sure she has a gymnastics stamp set. I'll look.
Many thanks girls for the suggestions and links. I shall have another attempt tonight when it's a bit cooler. This heat fries my brain. x
I did this one a loongggg time ago, but they were not great photos either, extracting the pictures seemed to help!
I look forward to all of the comments on this thread. I have a lot of "not so great" photos from whe our daughter competed.
I managed to get the original pictures and they're still not good but at least they are photos of photos. I had a play with blending last night and tried the part picture part line drawing but that didn't work well. Not enough edges for elements to find I don't think. Love the images you have posted though so off for another play. I'll keep you posted with a finished pic.
I tried to look for the pages I did of my DD as more examples, but can't find them. If i can, I;ll post back. But I hope that you have lots of fun playing with them in the meantime. And keep in mind too- its not about the quality of the photos, but the memory behind them :)