
Some quick prayers, please...


...loves her some "O"
Right now I'm in the ER with Quentin who has yucky abdominal pain. His pedi said to come here to see if it was appendicitis, so we are waiting. Please pray that we get in asap...q is really in pain and the waiting has shot his bp up.

Thanks, girlies!


Well-Known Member
Awww, poor little guy :( Hope they get it all figured out soon and make him feel better!


Well-Known Member
Sally tweeted a little while ago that the outcome is a kidney stone! They'll be spending the night in the hospital. Keep praying!


...loves her some "O"
Thanks sooooo much girlies for all of the prayers and positive thots...thanks, Meg, for posting his diagnosis!

He is feeling much better this am. Very little pain. We haven't seen the dr this am, which is what we are waiting for. I personally can't wait to get home, take a shower and climb into bed! I think he just wants to get home to play his xbox! Lol! Well, maybe not...he's crashed now...

Again thanks for your prayers...we will probably be leaving here around noon or a little before depending on all that hospital red tape...........


...loves her some "O"
Thanks again, darlings for all of the wonderful thoughts and prayers! we are home!! I've posted a pic of the "Kidney boy" on his xbox on facebook and twitter...So glad he is doing so much better and that he didn't need surgery. He has an appt with the Pediatric Urologist to talk about some stuff, but other than just passing the sucker, he's good to go!! :)

love you guys!!


Well-Known Member
oh Sally! Just reading this! Hope your little man is home in his own bed and will feel better soon.


The Loopy-O
Whew!!! good to hear that Sal.
Kidney Boy-- oh man, I'd be catching c*** if I called Scott that :rofl: