
Scrap Stacks


Well-Known Member
What's the dilly-O on Scrap Stacks? Who has it? Anybody have any invites? I have been hearing about it all over, and I have to admit, I'm intrigued!


Well-Known Member
I only heard of scrapstacks it in connection with patchwork but I take it you mean something else.


Well-Known Member
They bill it as Pinterest for scrapbooking. But you can't even try to get to know the site without an invitation.


I lOve Me Some O!
Haven't really had the chance to play on it yet. I got an invite a couple days ago. Looks nice, but I don't know if I WANT another gallery place. I might change my tune when I have time to mess with it.

No invites for me to send out either :(


The Loopy-O
I tired to sign up a few days ago but all it says is that I am not authorized to register.
I signed up the newsletter to see if any "memberships" open up. I had to do that with Pinterest way back when.
I haven't gotten any email from them at all.

I like the concept of stacking/pinning so I'd love to give it a try some day.


I receive an invite after signing up for the newletter but haven't done much - uploaded cple of layouts - don't have the time right now


Well-Known Member
I signed up a few days ago too and its a bit of fun .. I never got into the Pin Interest thing (don't lynch me people!) so the first day there was a huge learning curve for me (I had to ask the teen DD what she thought restacking might be ROFL) but it a bit of fun and you get to follow your fav artists and designers which is a bit cool.

Sorry I'm all out of invites but I heard if you sign up for the newsletter invites are going to be sent out when it comes out ;)


ONA - Administrator
but Amanda, WHAT do you do in there??? lol!! I never got into Pininterest either so I am not sure about this...........I registered and all, but just don't know what to do next, or why am I doing it???? bwhahahaaa!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
a few of the other gals on Anna's CT have signed up. i'm just looking at it as one more thing to avoid. i like what Ona said: basically, what is it FOR?? besides gluing your backside to the chair in front of the computer for a few more hours a day....


Well-Known Member
but Amanda, WHAT do you do in there??? lol!! I never got into Pininterest either so I am not sure about this...........I registered and all, but just don't know what to do next, or why am I doing it???? bwhahahaaa!!!! :)

This is what I'm doing Ona :sheep1 I'm following along with everyone else coz I really have NO IDEA mwhahahahaha oh and I'm doing a whole lot more of this :typing:

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
It's basically another place to pin Your Own Stuff , or you can repin another stackers pin, unlike Pinterest . It's a fun place for inspiration. Right now it is by invite only. I have a couple left if anyone wants one


Well-Known Member
I think that's a psychological gimmick Diane, to make you feel extra special when you get an invite. ( I'm not worthy of one ):sad:
I've avoided Pinterest because I'm spending far too much on the computer anyway and will keep a distance from this one too. What's next ??? a special site just for art journaling?


The Loopy-O
It's basically another place to pin Your Own Stuff , or you can repin another stackers pin, unlike Pinterest . It's a fun place for inspiration. Right now it is by invite only. I have a couple left if anyone wants one
If you have another, can I have one please?

*pretty please!!* :)


Well-Known Member
I, too, would love a spare, should anybody have one. I suppose I should just go sign up for their newsletter so I can get some invites of my own.


Well-Known Member
I signed up for the newsletter and got an invitation right away. Haven't had much time to check it out yet though.