
Question? What Does Your Scrapbooking Stock Look Like?


I am a scrap-a-holic that buys WAay to many scrapbooking supplies and has too much stuff - both physical and digital. I thought it would be fun to hear about your stash.

Physical Supplies - I literally have a craft store in my craft room. I have shelves of paper. Oodles and tons of embellishments - (lots of shiny sparkly gems cause I love the sparkle). Quite a few different die-cutting/embossing machines and a crumload of folder sets. Cutting tools and devices and more and more and more.

Digital Supplies - I think my digital supplies and my saved electronic files are getting to be much more than my physical supplies and all my scrapbook albums. Oh dear! I think if I could line up all my digital supplies they would go from one end of the house to the other and beyond!

I'm obsessed for sure. How 'bout you?
I've got a huge work bench and wall system for all my scrapping/crafting supplies with some spill over in the master closet and the entry all buffet table lol Sadly the top of my work space is covered with non-craft stuff so can't actually craft :( One of these days I'm going to clean it up as I'm itching to "make" again.

My digital supplies.... OY don't even get me started. I have all of my design goodies and all of my downloaded goodies and all of my pages from darn near 14 years in a big, disorganized spread amongst multiple external hard drives and online back ups. I think I'd rather collect than actually create sometimes lol
I have a huge landing that's been turned into a "libarary"...ha...mostly art supplies and books! I have a conference room table there too covered with stuff.

Digital??? hahaha...it's 14-15 years worth of stuff in 3 hard drives and a huge set of CDs from way back when!!!

I had a lot of craft supplies but the last 2 years I cleaned it all up and sold alot of things and gave them away! I am mostly on to digital now! I bought a printer for that money.
I have my own space and I have my computer there and a bunch of art and photography books!
I have all my digital scrapbook stuff organized at my computer and 2 externals! I started to delete so now and then because I found myself working with the new products all the time as I am on several Creatieve Teams!
I gave up paper scrapping years ago, but I kept papers and some of the "fun" things like glitter/chalks

Digital stash- oh wow. I have things organized by Oscraps designer since 99.99999% of my stash is from here. I tend to be addicted to fonts and brushes so I have folders nested in folders of them.
I had a room full of craft stuff in my old place, loads of paper scrapping stuff, papers, flowers, buttons, and tons of other embellishments. Also heaps of quilting type materials for all of those quilts I was 'gonna' make! lol! Just a ton of stuff that I had accumulated after 21 years of being there!

We sold that place and have moved to Tasmania and because it was going to cost so much to transport all of that down here I had to get rid of the lot! *crying* My daughter-in-laws got the bulk of everything so I am happy that everything went to good homes ! lol!

And digital???!!! Goodness, I have a heap of stuff as well, having been digi scrapping for about 11 years now! They are spread across an array of EHD's which I am trying to organise so that I can actually find stuff! lol!

I think we crafters are all hoarders at heart!!!! :)
I am the same as all of you and have far too much stuff!! Yes I think that we are all hoarders at heart! My craft room is filled with Art Supplies as I love to paint and my easel takes up a lot of space in my room. I used to have everything you could think of in my paper scrapping days, but I got rid of a lot of it over the years! I am however itching to do more Mixed Media type things these days, so I might have to be on the lookout for a used Cricket or something to make some cards etc. I think that I have every kit, brushes etc that I have accumulated for the last 12-13 years! OMG has it been that long LOL. I have two large EHD that are jam packed with digital supplies and photos. Just like the rest of you.
I used to knit/crochet/crossstitch and sewed a bit before I got in scrapbooking. I've gotten rid of most of that, along with the craft books for those hobbies. I then went into scrapbooking, sold for a couple of stamp companies and worked for a few scrapbook stores, teaching classes. So I got all my scrap supplies for free or at a really good discount so I took full advantage of it, buying way more than I could ever use LOL. I moved away from paper scrapping into digi about 5 yrs ago, so my scrap supplies mostly went unused so started to give away and sell off a lot of it but I still have a room full of supplies. My poor scrap room has been sitting unused for a few yrs now but I just can't bring myself to empty it out. I keep thinking that I will get back to card making again. I am keeping my embossing folders and stencils and die cut machine as I think I might use them if I start making cards agian.

I love creating digi LOs so have no interest in paper scrap pages anymore. I have a ton of digi supplies so last year I purged a lot of the older stash, keeping the more current stuff from the last 3 yrs or so. There is so much variety in digi products that its hard to not want it all but I try to be selective and not overdo it now :)
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I agree... I have a lot of paper scrapping that I haven't touched for years. My daughter started using them for school. One of them is gear to scrapping but who knows. I have a lot of digi too ... so many years. I printed some of my books but I haven't done it later... My computer is bad right now... my new one just came in I just started setting it up.
Our craftroom looks exactly like our EHD,
filled with too much stuff, and when you need something it is never in the right place!
Haha. I have to laugh at these responses. It could be MY book! I used to be a scrapbooking consultant and teach classes at local stores and do retreats. When I moved to NC, 13 years ago, I got rid of most of my supplies. Then, I took up painting and replaced my unused space with that. haha My free-space just can't win. I am organized though and unless I'm looking for something, I can find it. :)
Its fun to see I'm not alone in this ever-going dilemma!
I only have digital stuff. (2 kids with their crafty papers all over the livingroom is enough :hiding1: :floorlaugh: )
I have an extended driver where i have 26 maps (from A to Z) and i sort all kits by name of designer.
Most designers have their own map because they have too many kits. it really looks like an public archive :giggle4:
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I never paper scrapped so all my 15 years of digital scrapping is on DVD's and 6 external drives. I have no use for 'the cloud' type saving.
I paper scrapped for so many years before I started scrapping digi. In the past, I have had SO much paper stash and we've moved a few times. I still have a LOT of paper and other things - I can't part with it. Now that I've switched to digi, I have a LOT of stash, it's just all on my EHD's.
I never paper scrapped so all my 15 years of digital scrapping is on DVD's and 6 external drives. I have no use for 'the cloud' type saving.
I paper scrapped for about 15 years. I started making the move to digi in 2011, but just couldn't let go of paper and I also made a lot of cards and mixed media. I actually started making the big switch when Becky Higgins started her app for Project 52. She only offered it on Iphone and I had an Android phone. I got an Iphone just so I could get her app. I had started "dabbling" with digi a little bit before that but that sent me over the edge. :lovey3:
I got rid of all the paper stuff years go - by that time I hadn't scrapped a simple paper page for a few years so it wasn't a big deal. My daughter wanted to keep some pens and papers, but I didn't even bother looking through it - we were moving and I had neither the time no the will.

Now all my scrapping is neat - one laptop with 1TB of memory and a couple of HD with the kits that I don't use anymore and the .tiff's of the albums that have been printed. I use Google Drive to store pages ready for printing and my collection of templates (just in case my laptop decides to be funny, but the rest is on my laptop, so I can scrap anywhere I go. I figure that even if I lose everything (which is unlikely, but has been known to happen) - I'll just get new kits - it's so much more fun to scrap with new stuff...
Oh my yes I am a collector. My husband used to say if the craft store ran out of supplies they could come to my house. A few months ago I gave away papers, embellishments, etc to someone that does paper scrapping - took up the entire back of her SUV to haul it away.

Digital is just as bad and I really need to weed some of the kits out that are really old and I will not use.