
Question for you ...

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Do you (or anyone) still do "photo-a-day", 365, or 52-week photo challenges? I know they were very popular for a number of years. I remember doing maybe three years in a row of those kinds of challenges — but with 52 picture layouts with the photos, not just the photos themselves. If I recall, sometimes we had themes for the photos and sometimes not.

Whatever happened to that?
I have wondered this too! I know that a few members here did the 52 week photo challenges Scrap-genie and Felis to name a couple, but not sure why it stopped??
I did the photo a day a few years ago. I salso cropped *Project Life for a few years, then went to my own spin "Project 12" where I did at least one page for each month. I kept that up for a couple of years. Not sure if this is the answer you're looking for, but I used pocket pages for all of them.
I tried it a number of times but I only managed to finish Project 52 one year. I love looking back at the photos I took that year. I'm thinking of doing it again next year.
I have wondered this too! I know that a few members here did the 52 week photo challenges Scrap-genie and Felis to name a couple, but not sure why it stopped??
I can't remember why I don't finished mine. Did I get angry for something or maybe happened something sad which I wasn't able to handle?! Honestly I can't remember. As a cat foster mom I'm too often surrounded by suffering and loss and it's very difficult to scrap in this diary form running in circle around the pain without to share it directly. Or I'm just get mad about some other challenge and not wanted to share with these people anymore. I don't know, they both sounds possible, but it was long ago.

I wonder if people just got too busy?
I will make 365 in 2023 as then I'll be on 36 and I think it would be funny to make this''365 days on 36 Project''.

I don't think that people are more busy now than from when it was popular. Just like every trend, people get bored after few variations. Also Instagram gives quick and easy way to get attention and validation from much more people, so scraping is not priority anymore for such a long project.
@felis I think we both fell behind and had done it not just one year but multiple. I struggled to belatedly finish the last year I did (2018). But then I got a coupon for a free Shutterfly book last year and just took a selection of my pages for 2020 and did a book to remember that pandemic year. I would not have wanted to be doing a 365 or 52 project then. It requires taking photos, if not everyday, nearly. It gets repetitive if your life isn't very exciting. :rolleyes: I did a photo and page every day (all 366) in 2008. That was where I started. After that I did less ambitious years several times.
You can see our last efforts here: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/2019-project-life-365-52.30632/

And it seems to take a community working along together to make it a pleasure and not a chore.
I always admired people who could get into the swing of taking photos every day/week and then scrapping them. I tried several years in a row but never made it past a month or so. I agree, Jean, I think the more people you do this with makes it easier, probably through encouragement and support.
I think I got bored with taking pictures of my coffee mug every day, there was not much else going on. LOL
I made a layout about this, january 19th, 2009!
I guess I did not make it past 2 weeks of daily pictures!

Well, not to confuse the issue anymore, but I do my own version that I call Project 12. Hahahaha

Easy peasy - just scrap the highlights from each month, although I'm ridiculously behind this year.
I’m confused… lol … what do you mean by “36”?

even more confused … lol …what’s a project 65?
I turn 65 in 2022...so mine will be a project to document the year that I turn 65. I sure hope that I do some fun stuff so that it isn't just pictures of me on the phone talking to Medicare agents! :rolleyes:
I don't do project life per se, but I do make regular month-at-home layout, and whatever else layout to document our daily life, trips etc... whatever comes... I started in 2017 and still do. I do my pages in different styles, and sometimes fall behind but my 2017/18/19 albums have been completed and printed, and my 2020 is missing jsut a couple of pages, and I'm on september 2021... but since I got into CT work I needed different photos for specific kits so now started doing albums from 2003 etc.. so I have about 7 albums now in various stages of completion...

I don't think people are busier, but it seems the trend has shifted... there's more emphasis on artsy style, blending... beauty, rather than functionality so to speak... using stock photos has become a thing too... there's also the issue of sharing personal stuff on social media.... and without the external motivation of sharing the pages and getting likes/comments, for some people it's becoming harder to find the inner motivation to scrap...
When the kids were little I did project life or project 365 a photo a day. I stopped in 2012 digitally. I have books from 2005 to 2012 while the kids were young. For the past 6 or 7 years I have been doing a fauxbonichi type journaling where I add a photo and journal or just journal about the day. This past year I picked up a happy planner and was doing more of a weekly recap with little photos glued to the page and some journaling. I would really like to do it digitally again as I did really enjoy making my pages in the past and getting the books printed in January for the year. I didn't buy a happy planner for 2022 so maybe I can do a weekly page digitally. Project 12 would be good to recap the year. A page a month would certainly be doable.
I think it would be a fun project to do in 2022. I would do one a week for that, and if there are prompts, that's even better! Let us know if there will be a forum dedicated to this. Thanks!
I turn 65 in 2022...so mine will be a project to document the year that I turn 65. I sure hope that I do some fun stuff so that it isn't just pictures of me on the phone talking to Medicare agents! :rolleyes:
Medicare on the phone all day every day from the day you turn 65 until you die. They never get the hint even when you yell at them to take your name off the list because it's the 100th time you've told them and they never do it. A police or coaches whistle is a wonderful weapon. When you get one of those calls wait for the agent then blow it long and hard. THAT gets their attention and you off their list! Wish I knew how they got my information. I would guess the SS Admin sells it to them. Bah, humbug! And if you're still working and don't start your SS you have to pay it out of pocket until you do. I still work full time so I pay twice! At the rate I'm going I will be 70 when I finally retire but it will add almost $1000 to my SS check. Might just be worth it!
Medicare on the phone all day every day from the day you turn 65 until you die. They never get the hint even when you yell at them to take your name off the list because it's the 100th time you've told them and they never do it. A police or coaches whistle is a wonderful weapon. When you get one of those calls wait for the agent then blow it long and hard. THAT gets their attention and you off their list! Wish I knew how they got my information. I would guess the SS Admin sells it to them. Bah, humbug! And if you're still working and don't start your SS you have to pay it out of pocket until you do. I still work full time so I pay twice! At the rate I'm going I will be 70 when I finally retire but it will add almost $1000 to my SS check. Might just be worth it!
It feels a bit like the number of callers that are constantly interrupting my day, Medicare sales must be very nearly the same as the extended car warranty people.
It feels a bit like the number of callers that are constantly interrupting my day, Medicare sales must be very nearly the same as the extended car warranty people.
Amen to that - and now house warranty. I thought Congress made the robo-calls illegal!
Although I take a lot of pictures, I don't always have the time to finish this project
I.m one of those people who start a project life album every year, but somehow never finish one.
i just started on 2023.’’will see if I manage to finish it.
I've never been disciplined enough to keep up with a photo a day. It might be different if I had young children around to photograph daily life with them but with my hubs, grown daughter and dogs, there isn't a lot going on in our lives.
I did a 365 blog a few years back. It was really fun and I made it the entire time, but it was very time consuming! I did not attempt to do it again, but I do make a Project 52 every year and make a book of it.
I'm just a bit late to this party, but I'll chime in.
I first heard of Project 365 back in 2008, so I started a blog, "Project 365 by Vicky Day" for my family, basically, to keep up with what Tim and I were doing since none of our kids lived in the same state as us. I did pretty well the first year and maybe the second year. But I think it dwindled a little after that, especially after I started designing my own kits and then joined a few stores, yada yada. Then Tim got cancer and I stopped blogging, designing, scrapping or much of anything, except I was still taking photos almost everyday, mostly birds as we would sit under the carport together when he didn't have energy to do much else.

I find now that using Anna's Month Review Templates works best for me. I don't have to take a photo everyday and can still have enough photos to fill my monthly pages. I guess you could consider it a Project 12 like @Cherylndesigns was doing.