
Pse 11


lOve the O!
I just got a notice from Amazon that they are selling it for $49.99 which is cheaper than if I upgrade from my version 9. Anyone using it? I am thinking it may be my Christmas gift to me.


I totally recommend downloading the trial version from Adobe. The interface is quite different. some people love it because the interface is lighter and now it is so easy to install actions and styles, but some are not fond of the new placement for the tool options.

Also, Jessica Sprague has a video on youtube for how to set up the custom workspace in PSE11.


Well-Known Member
I am one of the ones that love it! I got used to the new tool placement right away. I am so glad I upgraded from version 9!


Well-Known Member
My PSE11 is on its way from Costco. I am one who likes having the disks. It's $49 on line and in the stores but I don't have time to go to the store this weekend so I ordered.


ONA - Administrator
lol! I am one of those that don't like it............I just find the new tool options taking up way too much space at the bottom of the screen..............I bought ver10 a few months ago and then ver 11 a couple of weeks ago. I use ver11 to run my actions as it is very easy to load actions in this version, pure heaven!!!!! hahhaa!! but I go back to ver10 to scrap in!!!! :biggrin: well I AM a Gemini so I need to two programs to satisfy my split personality!!! bwahahahaha!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my...decisions, decisions. And to think that I was quite content until I read this thread!


lOve the O!
Hey now- just trying to share info with my friends- you should check out lightroom prices while you are there......


Well-Known Member
I am now the proud owner of PSE11. Downloading as I right. See, I rec'd a $30 gift card from Amazon for my 5th anniversary at work. And how could I go wrong with $15 of my money for PSE11. :) It is supposed to take 40 more minutes...need to see if I can find something good on TV in the meantime.


lOve the O!
I had a really slow connection here but managed to download it. I have been trying to install my actions, but other than that, it has a learning curve- cause it looks different.


The Loopy-O
Daily Ooo's: Friday, November 23

Just popping in to say hello and good morning. I have to admit, that at this moment I am so happy that I am not working. I think today is going to be a pajama day. I am so exhausted mentally and physically I can't think of moving off my butt.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts. I cannot say it enough but they really do mean so much.

So who is out there shopping today? At the malls? Or here at the O? You must check out what the designers have put togethe rhere: ThanksGivingBack + Black Friday + Cyber Monday

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. xoxoxoxo!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning from the ER. Have been here for about 3 hours. We think that Brian has a kidney stone that is trying to pass. Sister-in-law just came and got the kids. And we are waiting for the radiologist to review the cat scan. Brian is pretty doped up now so no pain. Not what I had planned for my day off.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to get home to my computer and check it out. Long weekends are good for learning curves.


Well-Known Member
oh, LINDA!! good Heavens! i hope the pain and the stone disappear soon. i hear tell that this is one of the msot painful things EVER! good luck to Brian.

Chris, hope you're feeling better today. nothing like a Jammy Day to help you chill out. now if you could just manage to have it ALONE! some tv, some NetFlix. some scrapping. you'd be a new girl! seriously, hoping everything is going OK today, you :angel:

TG was OK yesterday. the food was lukewarm and lumpy, as usual. some really WEIRD gravy (dunno where it came from. maybe from the place where they bought the already-cooked turkey.) the mashed potatoes were really stiff. and cold. happily, i don't eat those. but speaking as the person who made the coleslaw, i can report that the coleslaw (and, they tell me, the bread and pies i made) were excellent!:humble: the company was good. i enjoy my niece and nephews a lot, and the great-nephews were cute and funny. nothing like a toddler to lighten the mood at a gathering!

today it's been computer work, a little scrapping, maybe some ironing later. i've been up since 2:50 a.m., so i may try for a nap a little later. i went to bed at 9:30 p.m. last night with a headache, which, since i only sleep for about 6 hours, was too early to go to bed. consequently, i was up hours BEFORE the chickens.

no shopping going on here. i stay as far AWAY from the malls as possible from about Halloween on through the Holidays. more and more i'm shopping online. and enjoying it.

Happy Friday. Check out ALL THE SALES and SPECIALS at the O!!!!



Well-Known Member
Good news. Kidney stone hasn't passed but brought home a medicated hubby who is now in bed. They think it will pass on its own prior to Monday. And, now, I think that I am going to take a little nap in front of the fireplace myself. (Cold here in Iowa today...temps around 25 with wind chill between 10 and 15.) Good day to stay inside.


lOve the O!
well, I have been scrapping, and now I need to get up and move- go for a walk, maybe shopping 2/3 of the men have gone to golf. Still playing with version 11 of PSE and believe I will purchase it.


Well-Known Member
Ok...for anyone who makes it to the bottom of this mixed thread...the PSE 11 is driving me crazy! But, I'm determined to push through! Oh my goodness is the interface different! I think that I need to go get some actions so that I can realize an immediate benefit from this switch!!!


ONA - Administrator
Linda, hope Brian is okay now!! Reg had that a couple of years back, its very painful!!

Loading the actions is SUPER EASY in this version, there is a little tiny arrow/more menu in the top right hand side of the Action panel, just click on it, navigate to where you have your actions stored, click on it and presto, its loaded!!! There is no need to delete any Thumbnail databases or anything, simply love that!!!!!