
Our Gardens in May


Well-Known Member
we were talking about this subject over in The Daily OOOs the other day, so i thought i'd start the thread with photos of what passes for my garden in May. at this time of year, where i live, you have to like a lot of green, with a bit of purple mixed in. it was 32 degrees here overnight two days ago, so we're pretty cautious about planting annuals and setting out hanging baskets yet. so. here we go: my very green and bits of purple back yard::becky:





O'chOir extraOrdinaire
What a beautiful garden you have, Phylis ... I'm soooo jealous!!!

Mine is a MESS! I don't have "green fingers" at all, so my tiny garden consists of a tatty lawn (not very pretty) and LOTS of weeds! I'm at work at the moment & don't have any current photos on my laptop, but I'll snap a couple when I get home tonight & upload them for you all to see the state of my so-called garden!


Well-Known Member
Your backyard is gorgeous Phylis! You have a lot more colour than I do right now and I totally relate to the green ... and green is good, compared to snow and ice!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Gorgeous Garden Phylis!! So well kept and beautiful! I am off to work for the whole day so I will try to get something in here tomorrow of my yard. Love this!!


Well-Known Member
OOh a topic near and dear to my heart. Our current home, which we have only been in for 2 years, does not have much of a garden...but I am trying to make do with what I have, with some potted flowers and TLC for what is here.

There is a lovely azalea bush next to one of my 3 lemon trees (I love having lemons).

And two pretty purple rose bushes...although I have to battle the ground squirrels and rabbits, who love to eat them.


I planted some annuals in big pots a few weeks ago, and have them surrounded with netting to keep the snails from eating them.

Also in a pot is my prized plumeria. I grew this from one of those sticks you buy in a package at Hilo Hattie's. It is now about 10 years old, over 4 feet tall, and putting out fresh new leaves.

And then there are the helpers...I hope this guy eats bugs and not flowers.


Well-Known Member
EEEEEEEEEE, Diane!! look at what California does in MAY!!! you guys are so lucky. these photos are so gorgeous, and LOVE your lizard. that plumeria looks like a Dr. Seuss character! amazing. do you guys have Japanese beetles? THAT is what gets as roses where i live.


The Loopy-O
Diane can I move in with you?? Wow!!

My azalea is already done and over with. The weird and early spring just screwed everyone up I think! LOL
I ended up taking a bunch of photos since I don't have one main garden but lots of small planted areas. We have mostly shaded, wooded and very small yard so I try to make do with what I can.
I have lots of green here too but by the end of June I'll have a lot more color.



Well-Known Member
What beautiful gardens you guys have. We have two acres that I would just love to fill with lush gardens that bloom all summer long. My attempt at starting flowers and veggies this year from seeds ended in a series of unfortunate events. So I bit the bullet yesterday and purchased all of my veggies and planted them. My 8 peonies that I split from one giant plant about 3 years ago are beautiful and filled with blooms this year. It was so big when we split it we gave away about 14 splits from it.

Did you do all of that gardening yourself Phylis?


Well-Known Member
Chris, i love the forest look in some of your photos. the big trees and rocks. beautiful. my lillies aren't due out for a few more weeks, whem my garden enters the Yellow Phase. i'll have to start an "Our Gardens in June" thread in a few weeks. maybe my potatoes will be up and running by then.
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Well-Known Member
we have 2+ acres, too, and my husband is determined to plant a forest so he doesn't have so much grass to mow.... and, yep. all by myself, i did the garden. i did get my hubby to dig out the shape i wanted, but i have a lot of wheelbarrow hours in back there! incan't imagine how i'm going to keep it up in the years ahead. i planted a lot of perrennals, so that keeps the cost down, but there's always a lot of just GREEN for most of the summer. i really do need to get some annuals going back there.


always chatty at the O!!
These photos are amazing. Here in Fayetteville green is odd. The grass is gross, so pretty lush lawns don't exist unless you spend a fortune on a lawn service. I did plant a vegetable garden this year. I picked some snow peas the other day and we have some beans, tomatoes and today i saw some zucchini sprouting. I'm so excited! I'll put up some pics soon.


Well-Known Member
We live on a hill so our back yard is all terraced, no lawn. It tends to be a lot more colorful in the summer, while the front yard is full of color in the spring.



The Loopy-O
Jane-- gorgeous! I love that you were able to take a tough space and make it look so pretty!

Phyllis- yup, trees and rocks all around :)So I plant where I can, it is a very natural looking space, nothing "English Garden" about it hahah!!

Sara-- that is hysterical! BTW- I have a black thumb too. I have killed cacti in the past.


Well-Known Member
Phylis...................I am coming to hang out with you.....we can set up a chair in the back yard and watch the garden, while we have a glass (or two) of something "tasty"................:biggrin: BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of you ladies have beautiful gardens!!!

Sara......................maybe we should just all come and have a "garden party" at your house sweetie....we can get you one started!!! :spit:


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
... I don't have "green fingers" at all, so my tiny garden consists of a tatty lawn (not very pretty) and LOTS of weeds! I'm at work at the moment & don't have any current photos on my laptop, but I'll snap a couple when I get home tonight & upload them for you all to see the state of my so-called garden!

In case you thought I was exaggerating, here's just a couple of shots of what passes as my back garden ...


I haven't planted up my pots for about 2yrs! In this one, the "stumps" in the blue pot are from a yucca plant that was in my conservatory, but out grew the space, so I foolishly put it out in the garden, only for the frost to kill it off ...


This is supposed to be a flower bed, but at present it's just a weed bed ...


But even some weeds are just too pretty to pull up ...



Well-Known Member
Thank you for all these beautiful photos, I adore the nature, the flowers and my garden, here is some photos taken these last days, here it is in April and May that the garden is the most flowery





Like Sue, I also have poppies



The Loopy-O
Sue, can I just say my hands are itching to get into your weeds?? I, too, believe that some weeds are just as pretty as flowers. Who is to say what is "flower" and what is "weed" LOL

Dady- wow!!!! Stunning photos!!!!

Nana-- LOVE your idea. Sara, get ready, here we come. :car:

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
How wonderful seeing all your beautiful gardens. Last weekend it finally stopped raining, allowing us to do a lot of this:


and quite a lot of this:


All of which meant the woods are now looking like this:


and the rest of it is looking a whole lot tidier:


And best of all, the kids are finally getting into the whole gardening thing:



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Selena... so happy for you that the rain has finally let up!! We are in for many days of rain starting today sometime. So we sure have enjoyed being able to be in the garden for the last couple of weekends. Got lots of planting done yesterday!

Here's a few shots of whats happening in my garden









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Well-Known Member
i dont really have a garden to speak of...all my tulips and stuff died already...i got some roses out front....with some grass like plants...and some thorny bushes...thats about it


Well-Known Member
i am LOVING these photos!! Dady, i want your mountain!! looks like there are a whole LOT of green thumbs here. Selena, that photo with the weeping willow is just dreamlike! gorgeous! it looks like FairyLand. Trudy, what's that pinkish/purple-ish foliage in from of your lavender azalea? Sue, i am coveting your FENCE!!


Well-Known Member
I love the idea of a garden party. I actually have some pretty hostas and such from the previous owners. They don't require much upkeep. Our lawn is looking sad though. Which it was beautiful when we took over in the summer last year. I can't convince my husband to pay for lawn care too much though. So we have dandelions and weeds.