
Our Gardens in May


Well-Known Member
thanks, Trudy. i meant the Bayberry. it is SUCH a pretty color! i see Bayberry by the shore in NC. i don't think it's the same sort of thng, though.


Mistress of Mayhem
Ok - here are some photos I took yesterday:

And talking about cherries - that budding twig (right 2nd row) - that's my cherry tree :) It'll be a while til I see any cherries :)


wow! we're already drying out here with 80-90 days and no rain to speak of and an incredibly dry winter. the red clay in our yard is already cracked like it's july/august


Well-Known Member
I have so enjoyed seeing these gardens. All the 'green' varieties.

All I hope for is that when I get home the continually encroaching bamboo is not all over the middle of my back yard. The yard is small - about 20ft by 60ft - and one long side had bamboo planted as a barrier to the gas station next to part of the yard when I moved in 20+ yrs ago. The barrier works very well but oh bamboo likes to travel!


Well-Known Member
ooo, Maureen. Bamboo is a nightmare. i watched it take over down in NC where we vacation. one year they planted it, and then it went CA-RAY-ZEEE. rip it out and plant Maiden Hair grass. fast growing, compact and doesn't spread!


Well-Known Member
Phylis, that bamboo takes the place of an 8-10ft fence. Right on the other side of that bamboo is the toilet at a gas station. I am so not in the country! Bamboo has to stay or else we need to pay for a big, long, HIGH, solid fence and that's not going to happen.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Just wanted to share what my white clematis has been doing for the past few days, it was lovely last year, but this year its even better!



Well-Known Member
I thought you all need to know that I have already killed two hanging plants. I'm not entirely sure how. The hanging plant I had last year lasted all the way from Mother's Day through almost the whole summer!

My husband threw a bunch of seeds in a planter that we bought when we were doing the landscaping to sell last year. I tried to tell him that he was planting them too deep and maybe mixing wasn't a good plan, but we'll see how it turns out since apparently, I can even kill hanging plants!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Thanks, I painted him, but he will look better when we finally get the fence painted close to the same color as the background on the painting. What kind of flowers were in your hanging baskets?? perhaps they were in too much sun or not enough??


Well-Known Member
One was daisies and I don't know exactly what the other was. I got it from my SIL for Mother's Day. I'm sure it didn't get enough water or too much sun or something. LOL That's my problem!! I'm so hopeless. LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh that clematis is beautiful, Trudy! And the bleeding heart! I had to look for the raccoon...cute!


Well-Known Member
Trudy. i have been trying to grow clematis for YEARS. it keeps dying. dunno why!! your is gorgeous!


Well-Known Member
I'm with Phylis...I have never had success with a clematis, even though in this house I looked at similar positioning in nearby houses and tried...no luck. Trudy yours is outstanding! I don't think I've ever seen a white one. Yes, I've led a sheltered life!

eta: I did, very easily, grow the standard Jackmani (sp?) clematis in England. So nix that 'never'.