I lOve Me Some O!
It's okay Elisa, I will just wait here a bit, and catch you up during the week......ahhhh, the sun is just gorgeous.........sigh................
I want to be there! Take me take me!!!!
It's okay Elisa, I will just wait here a bit, and catch you up during the week......ahhhh, the sun is just gorgeous.........sigh................
Official kind of means stuck to my computer chair doesn't it!!
Woo hooo!!!!! Congrats Maureen!! So proud of you!
Is there any way I can reset my title to Official Occupant, if that means Nana will come and mop for me?
bwhahhahaahaa!! thanks Laurie, just letting Elisa run ahead a bit!!! its only 1.00pm downunder and I KNOW she has to sleep sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: