
not so good news and good news


Well-Known Member
Marleens layout https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=314819&title=marie-curie&cat=1351 about MARIE CURIE triggered something I was wondering whether to share but since you are my O family .... the not so good news is that I'm joining the pink ribbon brigade - they just discovered that I have breast cancer- but the good news is that it is quite contained and has not spread so an operation to remove it , probably followed by radiation therapy should do the trick.

it's thanks to Marie Curies invention that it was discovered during a routine- once every 3 years - x ray so I do urge you if you get the chance to have those x rays on the National Health do take it up .I had no inkling what was going on in my body
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Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
oh Ellen so sorry to hear that, but you are right there is some good news in there! Glad they caught it early!


Well-Known Member
Oh Ellen so sorry for you, but you have your O'family to support you as best as we can !
Send you all the best wishes.

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Ellen, I'm so sorry to hear this, but so happy it was caught early. Sending warm, healing thoughts out to you.

Big hug. Vicki


Well-Known Member
Ellen - Wishing you healing thoughts my friend! You and Chris can swap stories when she gets back from her weekend at the lake. I'm sure she will be anxious to talk to you when she finds out.

I'm so glad there is good news for you though I am sure it's scary at the same time. Much love dear!

Design by Tina

Well-Known Member
Ellen, I´m so sorry to hear your not so good news, but glad to here it was caught early. Sending up a prayer for you and lots of love and positive energy your way <3


I love the "O"
Oh Ellen so sorry to hear the bad news, must have been a shock.
Glad that you have some good news, and i am sending you lots of hugs and healing thoughts !!! Together with Chris you can fight it !!!!


Feeling at hOme!
Sorry for you Ellen. Fortunately they found it early and my fingers are crossed that you are cured quickly.


Well-Known Member
Ellen, what a shocker that must have been to find that out. You will be in my prayers for a healthy outcome. Glad you found it early. (((hugs)))


The Loopy-O
I am on my ancient tablet up here, but yes, I am totally with you sweetie. It is such a weird situation, that it you caught it early, but crap! It is still cancer.
If you ever need to talk or vent or need support, I am only a pm away. Love and hugs.


Well-Known Member
Ellen, just read your post, my prayers are with you.....it is good news they caught it early....


The Loopy-O
And I just re read your post, and that was my course of treatment too. Surgery, then radiation. I was estrogen and progesterone positive, but because of my other health issues, hormone therapy isn't really an option. Because I am premenopausal, there aren't as many drugs that are recommended options for me.
And yes, I tell everyone now to get their mammograms. Yes, they are a pain in the boob LOL but can really make a difference between a great prognosis and another not so good one.
Breast cancer.org was a very helpful website for me if you need support or info from the "real world."

Good luck again.xoxo


O sO silly
Tough news at first sight but I'm glad you caught it up at early stages and I wish you a full and fast recovery! Take care!! Next news will be a good one about your remission. I know it!!

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to read this Ellen, my thoughts are with you right now and positive vibes are traveling up the M6 towards you.


Big, big hugs, Ellen! Thank goodness they found it early. I know in my heart you are going to be just fine!