
Need help refining a birthday gift idea


The Loopy-O
Call me kooky (yes Eva, even you LOL) but this is actually a birthday gift for me. As a lot of you know, I am all "celebrated out." My birthday is at the end of this month (high fives to my b-day buddy Suesy Blusey :yo:) and I just decided what I want for my birthday.

Here is the basic idea, which came to me in the shower of course. I want to send out a nice invitation style email to all of my family and extendeds. I want to have them do something that *they* enjoy in my name. Like they could go to a museum, have a nice glass of wine watching a sunset, go for a walk, watch a movie-- it doesn't matter what they do as long as they do something that they love and think of me. Its so crazy for people to spend money of "stuff" or cards ($5 for a Hallmark card?? Really??? Have you seen how silly most of them are?) or spend another day cooking and cleaning and all that. Time is just too precious and its not like we have seen each other almost every weekend since the end of April.

Now the catch is that I want them to take a photo or it or send me a photo of something that represents what they did because I want to scrap it. (Of course I do!).

1. Do you think this is cheesy?
2. How do I word this so they don't think I am being pushy?
3. Do you think they will actually do this for me?

I can't put anything together until after Father's Day next week when the fam will all be together (again!) b/c I do not want them to get the idea that they can circumvent me and do something at that time.

I love this idea- you could make a layout/invite and send it via facebook to many people. YOu can then share how much the book of layouts will mean to you. What a great idea!
Hey birthday buddy! Chris, I think your idea is wonderful and I would definitely take part if I rec'd your invite.

You could word it in such a way that says something like ... I (Chris) already have all the riches in the world I could ever want / need and what would make me really happy on my special day, would be if you (the recipient of the invitation) were to do something you love and share your experience with me (Chris) either with a photo or a little note of journaling (an email, a text, a Tweet, a letter or just a note scribbled on a scrap of paper). There's nothing that would make me happier than you helping me celebrate my birthday in this way.
This is awesome Chris. Not cheesy at all. I would also say you are going to do something you love...maybe tell what it is...and you want them to enjoy themselves too. Then go into the details. :-) What an amazing idea!
I love it. I would throw in something silly and extravagant such as...if you are unable to participate I can't wait to receive your gifts of diamonds and Caribbean vacations.
I agree...perfect idea!! (I want an invite, too, please!!! We love red wine, sunsets, sitting by the pool...)
Ok ... I call you kooky ... but I have never heard the word before, I have no idea what it means :)

I think the idea is brilliant - LMK when your birthday is, and I'll do something special for you.

(Now the pressure of coming up with something totally weird to do in your honor LOL)
Good idea... you probably need to convince them about the scrapping idea as there are some who just don't get it!!!
i LOVE this idea! especially with our 'immediate gratification' attitude these days. I know in my family and circle of friends, if we need/want something, we buy it. We've taken to only giving each other 'consumables' as gifts - specialty food items, indulgences like fancy chocolates or a good bottle of wine, etc or we give donations in each others names. But, I do love this idea so much I think I might ask for this for my birthday next year!
WoooT!! Thanks for the positive feedback. I hadn't thought of posting it out to my online friends- but what a great idea! The more happiness and joy that can be shared- the better off everyone is :D

Sue-- you are a wordsmith! Don't be surprised if I copy that word for word.
Clara-- well, if anyone wants to give me diamonds or a vacation, I sure as heck won't turn them down! LOL

My brother asked me a bunch of times over the weekend what i was doing for my b-day so I ended up having to tell him my plan. Lots of push back on that, but oh well, they will just have to deal :)
Chris this is such a selfless idea! What an awesome way to "allow" someone to do something for themselves and not feel guilty for it because it's for YOU!

I love this idea and I hope you gave your brother a raspberry when he gave you slack!
For my birthday one year all I wanted to do was take my parents out for a nice dinner. It made my dad crazy. I had just graduated from X-ray school and started working and I wanted to do something for them.

I can't wait to see what you come up with.
awww thanks everyone- I have my first try at the "invite"
Can you let me know what you think? Will everyone understand what I am asking of them?

Sue-- thank you again, I tweaked your wording a teeny bit, but other than that, they were exactly what I was trying to say!!

LOVE IT!!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!! And just for you Chris, I'm going to read a book for your birthday!!!
Yay!!!! Can you tell me what book you are going to read, or is it going to be a surprise? :D

My Fontaholic friend..... is the font hard to read? I have it bolded right now, but it looks fuzzy to me.
I ♥ your birthday wish, Chris ... hmmmmm, I think I might just celebrate YOUR birthday by celebrating MY birthday!!!! Bwuahahahaha!!!!