
My daughter has a brain infection!


Well-Known Member
Not the news I ever imagined hearing but...

I had a call this afternoon from the couple who are raising my daughter's child to say my 38 y.o. daughter was in the hospital on our Eastern Shore with a brain infection. She has been prone to sinus infections for a long time and this dr finally thought there was more to it, did a cat scan and found that the infection had gone to/was in the brain.

They have been waiting for a bed to open up at the UMD Medical Center in Baltimore as it's beyond the scope of the hospital over there and I expect her to get to Baltimore by 8pm. While the doctors say it can be treated with antibiotics, googling those words certainly put the shivers in me.

This is certainly not what I expected this weekend, but is it ever for this kind of thing? Prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated. I know you all have great connections with the One who Makes all Things Possible, each in your own way.

Scrappers are the best people for support! Maureen


The Loopy-O
Rule #1-- Never ever google medical conditions!! Ah!!

Rule #2-- Just ask your O-fam for good thoughts and praters and you have them.

How is she actually feeling?
Lots of healing vibes to her and calm mother vibes to you. xoxo

Keep us posted.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Oh Maureen, it sure is all happening for your family right now. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for a positive outcome for you all.


I'm so saddened to hear this Maureen.

Thoughts and prayers are with you and family.
and prayers to the doctors who are taking care of daughter.


Praying for healing for your daughter and peace for everyone who loves her. I agree with Faerywings...stay off the internet. Cast your cares upon Him. He cares for you. The internet doesn't.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Maureen...please be strong and lean on your friends here at the "O"!! Please stay off the internet, been there done that when my daughter contracted viral encephalitis. My prayers and healing thoughts go out to your daughter!! Know that we love you and are thinking of you always!!


Well-Known Member
Praying right now for your daughter's health and for wisdom for the doctors. And I am praying for peace and strength for you Maureen. Please keep us posted.


Cupcake Ninja
Oh Maureen!!! My thoughts are with you and started praying when I saw the title of your thread. Will continue to do so - please keep us posted as soon as you hear something!




Well-Known Member
Maureen, your daughter and you are in my prayers. Thinking good thoughts for her. Hugs across the miles.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep your daughter and family in my thoughts! :hug:

Agreed on the staying away of the internet!
A friend of my mom had a brain infection a few years ago. It was a rought time, but it turned out good!


always chatty at the O!!
Oh my goodness. That sounds so scary. Sending prayers that this sounds scarier than it is. I hope the abx fix her up quick so her momma can breathe again. Hugs!!


There's no place like hOme!
How scary! Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers to you and your daughter Maureen!!!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
oh goodness maureen, that is terrifying news! I am wishing her all my good and healthy thoughts, I do hope that antibiotics conquer brain infections, I've never heard of that before and well, it sounds terrifying. thinking of you!


Well-Known Member
Maureen I am sad to read this news, my thoughts and prayers are for you and your daughter!!


Peace, Love, Art
Maureen, I will keep your daughter and your family in my thoughts and prayers and hope she has a speedy, smooth recovery.


Well-Known Member
prayers and love, Maureen. holy cow. what a thing to have happen. hoping the antibiotics get busy fast!


Well-Known Member
thinking of you and your daughter Maureen sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes and hugs


Well-Known Member
Maureen!!!!!!! HOW VERY SCARY!!!! I am praying for her (you too) sweetie and thinking of you and her!!!! I hope that all goes okay and the anitbotics do their job.....

Yes sweetie...the scrapping community is the absolute BEST!!! You can always come here for support!!!!
