
Mojo Lost or Mojo Rising?

Vicki Robinson

Designer + Brush Queen + Mac Guru
Yep - I lost my creative mojo. Didn't know where it went and, with my April Color Play Artful Expressions 04 only a few days from being due, I was at a complete loss. I wrote about a few of the reasons for my creative slump in my May Challenge thread, so I won't bore you with those details again. But I will say when I asked my newsletter subscribers to help me with ideas, our own @tanteva said something that was so obvious I was kicking myself for not thinking of it myself. She said, "there is a Swedish expression that roughly translates to 'Dig where you stand' so why not make a kit about no mojo?" Well DUH! Thank you, Eva!!!

The resulting kit is called "Mojo Lost" which is fun and kinda quirky I guess is the right term. As I was working on it I realized it had sparked my mojo so much that I needed to create a companion kit "Mojo Rising" — which is lovely and floral. That truly has never happened before, but I just went with it. I've also created three packs: a set of 18 beautiful and colorful ribbon wraps, 20 journal book papers, and 16 watercolor stains which are digitized from my own watercolor paint markings.

Each of the individual products is 50% off but for your biggest savings, you may want to opt for the full Artful Expressions Collection because it's 60% off. The sale ends Monday and my newsletter subscribers can use their exclusive coupons for even more savings. If you're not a subscriber, you can sign up here so you can take advantage of those bonus savings in the future.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
It got my mojo going again that's for sure! Love this collection Vicki!!


Well-Known Member
You may have felt you had lost your mojo but I think you definitely got it back :)