
March Posting Challenge: Share the LOve


lOve the O!
Thought I would start the posting goal thread this month- please share your goal with us- where do you want to be at the end of March??

I know I am at 1400 so my goal will be to reach 2000!

Congrats Andrea Nyx on making your goal last month- oh that was yesterday;)


The Loopy-O
Hahahh!! Its March Madness!!!!!

I didn't think I was going to make my goal last month, but I did it!

THis month I am going for a biggie- 13000!


So March Madness it is, I'm at 9651, so my goal will be adding a digit to my postcount!



I lOve Me Some O!
Okay.... This is post 4,010....

I don't know if I want to go crazy this month, so I'm going to say....


I lOve Me Some O!
We'll see if I make it, and up the goal in the middle of the month if I think I can handle it!


Well-Known Member
Ok...9248....I am going go for 10,000....and hope for more!!

If I had kids at home or a job, it would never be possible for me to post like that!!!


ONA - Administrator
I am at 8643.......... I will shoot for 9500.......... and THIS month NOTHING is going to stop me!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yay girls!!! :D I missed you so much! I'll try to catch up for my last month's absence... but I should not be too ambitious... :D Let's say...
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Well-Known Member
and here I was with my eyes falling out of their sockets as I read my goal is 2000 I'm now at 1400 and somehow thinking this was 1400 layouts.:p

I know you're all magic but this seemed a bit over the top for me.
Must be time to go to sleep :)


I lOve Me Some O!
and here I was with my eyes falling out of their sockets as I read my goal is 2000 I'm now at 1400 and somehow thinking this was 1400 layouts.:p

I know you're all magic but this seemed a bit over the top for me.
Must be time to go to sleep :)

HAHAHAH! Oh wow if I could make that many LOs a month I think my computer would explode!

I like the idea of being magic though ;)


Well-Known Member
and here I was with my eyes falling out of their sockets as I read my goal is 2000 I'm now at 1400 and somehow thinking this was 1400 layouts.:p

I know you're all magic but this seemed a bit over the top for me.
Must be time to go to sleep :)

Buhahahahaha!!! That would be a miracle!!! I am not sure the whole bunch of together could get that done in a month!!! But we would give it go if it were a challenge...LOL!!!


ONA - Administrator
Nana has a challenge fixation I'm sure!! LOL!! slow down Linda will ya!!!! hahaha! you're making me tired!! :)


Well-Known Member
time to be a bit obnoxious... I'm too tired to scrap... but watching a show quickly, then gonna hop in the tub... ooh, I can't wait!