
Ma présentation...


Well-Known Member
Bonjour à toutes,

Je m'appelle France, alias Franny.
J'ai 29 ans et je vis avec ma fille Léa de 2 ans et son papa.

Je tiens un blog (une coccinelle sur une étoile) avec un peu de tout (beaucoup de loisirs créatifs et surtout énormement de ma fille !!!!) et je suis encore débutante en scrapbooking. J'ai commencé il y a quelques mois, mais je me rends compte que seule, je ne progresse pas et que je fais carrément au hasard. Je me suis donc mis à la recherche de livres (d'ailleurs, je n'en trouve pas) et finalement, j'ai trouvé la solution du forum.

J'espère donc apprendre beaucoup de nouvelles choses et progresser en votre compagnie.

In english now !!!!!

Hello girls,

My name is France, aka Franny.
I'm 29 and I live with my daughter Lea (2 years old) and her dad.

I have a blog (une coccinelle sur une etoile) with a bit of everything (a lot of hobby and especially my daughter's hugely !!!!) and I'm still beginner in scrapbooking. I started a few months ago, but I realize that only I is not progressing and I am totally at random. So I started looking for books (besides, I can not find one) and finally, I found the solution on the forum.

So I hope to learn many new things and grow with you.
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Well-Known Member
Bienvenue au forum of Oscaps Franny! Seeing is much better than reading when learning scrapbooking - I think! Please put a link to your blog. I'd love to see it!


Well-Known Member
Welcome, Franny! glad you are here to learn with the rest of us! i look forward to seeing your pages in the gallery.


aA Creative Team Member
France - welcome. It can be overwhelming at times to learn new things, but give yourself time, and you will become addicted to digital scrapbooking. Can't wait to begin seeing layouts from you.


Well-Known Member
From one Frani to another...welcome to Oscraps....you've come to a great place to learn and grow....


Well-Known Member
Salut Franny, et bienvenue à la "O". J'espère que vous apprendrez beaucoup des choses ici!

We look forward to seeing your layouts, en francais et en englais :)


ONA - Administrator
Hello and welcome to the O France!! so happy you found us!! just yell out if you need a hand with anything!! :)


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
:welcome: to Oscraps Franny! You're right, forums are a wonderful source of information ... and browsing through the gorgeous galleries here is bound to inspire you!!!


aA Creative Team Member
Hi Franny and welcome to the O! looking forward to seeing your pages in the gallery!