
Look What I Did!


Well-Known Member
I was so torn. I wanted to be able to do it. I wanted to quit and not put myself through it. In the end, I decided I couldn't handle being so mad and disappointed with myself if I didn't do it. So I did it!

The Warrior Dash 5K Obstacle Course! I didn't run and I had to sit about three times to catch my breath up the long, long hills that started the course off that first mile. But, with a little help from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I did every darn obstacle!

The over and under walls, the gang plank (which I fell off of and a spotter caught me), the first rope wall, the military crawl, tire run, (a huge hill that almost killed me), the cargo net crawl, lake trudge, the ledge walk, the monster wall (that scared the crap out of me, but I did it with a push on the butt from my brother in law), the rock wall and pole slide, trench crawl, cargo net wall, fire leap, and horrendous mud pit.

I am so proud that I actually did it! Woo-hoo! And I might sign up for the Dirty Girls Mud Run in September. It's supposed to be easier and more fun and it raises money for Breast Cancer Research. I'd do the Color Run (which would be a color walk for me), but it's already got a wait list.

Here's a muddy picture of me and my team! Left to right: me, my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law.

Wow- so impressed, glad you did it- I can't wait to see your layout- perfect for Chris web inspiration this month!!
:hail: :hail:

SARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Well done sweetie!!!! and HOW FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we are so very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:hug: :kiss:
Oh - he's a handsome man ....

Wait ... we weren't supposed to focus on him??!!

Ok ... scrolling up again .....

Cool! WTG! I'm sure it was fun! At least when it was over :) I would die - both from 5K and from getting so dirty - I'm impressed!
yay yay yay yay yay!!! You are my hero, Sara!!! LOVE that you chose to do this and that you did it! I give you the gold medal!!! ♥♥♥

Eva-- psst, I thought the same but don't let Sara and her SIL know

Sara, you are my hero!!!!! What a rush to finish that! I am so proud of you, and I bet a hot shower never felt better!!!
