
January 2011 posting challenge- you know you want to!


lOve the O!
Okay- so I am starting at 6873 and my goal is to reach 7450- which will position me just over half the posts needed to reach 8000 the next month and be an official praise mama!


The Loopy-O
Laurie- you already are a praise mama in my eyes :)
Great goal and I know you'll get it!

Let me see where I am....


Well-Known Member
Ok...how about 22,350! I KNOW that I can get that and I want to start the year on a positive note with success!


O'chOir extraOrdinaire
Go Laurie! :cheer2: Go Chris! :cheer2: Go Linda! :cheer2:

To celebrate joining the Ozone Official Praise Mama's club (oooooh, I like the sound of that!), I'm aiming for 8,350!!! I know it's quite a modest goal, but hopefully it's realistic given that I'm still temping full-time at the moment!


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd play this month. I would love to reach 8,000. I just have to do about 15 posts a day to reach that goal. :)


lOve the O!
you can do it Sara - then you will be a cheery praise mama! Kind of has a ring to it doesn't it!


Well-Known Member
Just popping in to say I appreciate all the comments from you Praise Mama's, Official or not!
Thank you and have a great year!!!! :)


I lOve Me Some O!
Okay! This is post 15,305 for me....

Going to say 16,000 for now :)

I don't know what 2011 is going to bring.


Well-Known Member
I'm back girls!!! :) I miss you so much and I really want to play with you as I used to! I'll do my best! I'm at 4157... I'll take it easy to begin... let's say 4400! ;)

Sue, I just realized you're a Praise Mama now! Congratulations my friend!!! :cheer2:


always chatty at the O!!
I'm with Laurie. I want to get working on that Praise Mama status and am hoping to be able to actually focus on it this month. So two months you are going for? We are at about the same point. I need about 850 a month to do that. Hmmm...So, I'll go for 7150 this month. Eeeek, that is scary. But just a handful a day would do it. If I just got my butt out of bed in the mornings I could make it. LOL!!


lOve the O!
It is just for January- I was figuring out how long it would take me to become an official praise mama- and that would be two months at the rate I post!


ONA - Administrator
I am at 15337...............hmm, its going to be a fairly busy month as I will be travelling with work a bit so I will go for 15500 and if I make that I will make a new goal!!! :biggrin:

Come on all you Praise Mamma's wanna-bees!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!