Well, I have a Droid, so it's not EXACTLY answering your question but here is why I decided to get it instead of a new battery.
A new battery probably isn't really new. The industry is moving toward smart phones, and not supporting the old style so much any more. For certain "dumb" phones, the "new" batteries have been sitting on a shelf deteriorating for months/years (from what I have heard from someone in the industry).
My purse camera was dying, so I figured I could carry just a phone with good quality photo capability, and lighten my load. Once I got the phone set on high resolution, I've been thrilled.
My phone syncs with my Kindle, so when I'm waiting for my mother to get thru with the doctor (while I'm in the waiting room), I can read the same book I was reading the night before on my Kindle, and it is even lighter than the Kindle.
My grandchildren love to play Angry Birds on my phone, and will sit on my lap to do so!!! Worth the price of the phone by itself!
I can check my email from anywhere. Yes. I am an email addict. I'm even starting to love voice texting.
When my DH's dumb phone dies, even he is going to move to a Droid, and THAT I can hardly believe.